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Deepika Padukone from the XXX Movies Lookin Hot of the Day

Deepika Padukone from the XXX Movies Lookin Hot

Since Thanksgiving is based on the coming to America Pilgrims, befriending and earning the trust of Indians, before taking over their land in bad deals, basically treating them like livestock, sterilizing their women, trying to assimilating them, calling them savages, you know feeding them drugs and alcohol to destroy their people, who lived in a communal and amazing way, in touch with nature….but luckily now we have cities, and taxation, and poverty, and rich evil men where there were once forests and animals…suburban subdivisions, malls, sky scrapers…money money money…make that money….medication, shitty non-organic, chemical filled foods we feed our kids…and the whole thing is fucked…

I figure why not post a hot Indian Deepika Padukone….from XXX Vin Diesel movies….because Indians are what we need to celebrate today…not the WHITE TURKEY EATING FAT AMERICAN AN HER CORN MEAL CASSEROLE AND VARIETY OF STORE BOUGHT PIE FROM HER RETARD SCOOTER CUZ SHE HAS NO FEET THANKS TO DIABETES….#America.

Either way, here she is stripped out of her tribal dress and feathers for your perving…

Posted in:Deepika Padukone|SFW