I'll Make You Famous…




Emma Roberts is Hot of the Day

Emma Roberts and Plaster Dog

Emma Roberts, daughter of Eric Roberts, is in some photoshoot for some magazine because she’s a celebrity in an of herself…

Sure it was likely not that hard for her to make it in the industry, but then again, her dad’s been trying to make it since he first fell off after winning his Oscar…But I guess a cute girl is easier to cast, especially when she’s not addicted to drugs, self destructive, while in some coke prostitute filled downward spiral…before having a career straight to DVD or no straight to Netflix…to pay the child support checks that paid for this one to grow into the young goddess she is…

I am sure Auntie Julia had more to do with her career really….and that’s ok, who cares how they get here, some people have it easier and better than others, it’s how society is built, it’s not even footing for us all….just care that she’s happened cuz she looks pretty good to me…

I just hope there’s some deep routed daddy issues, low self esteem and self worth….despite having a career. A girl just wants daddy love on her weekend with him….and not daddy in a pile of womens panties with a nose bleed too blasted out of his mind to take her to the zoo.

Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW