I'll Make You Famous…




Sasha Obama in Cancun of the Day

Sasha Obama in a white bikini

I watched the Obama / Letterman interview because I don’t own a TV, and I don’t leave the house thanks to winter, and years ago, I used to watch letterman all the time, it was on TV, and I felt he ultimately didn’t give a fuck about the celebs he was interviewing, which I apprecaited…but that could just be selective memory, since I don’t remember much…

Obviously, the Obama interview wasn’t all that exciting, but it was a nice reminder, as a Canadian, that the USA was pretty progressive for a while, they had a president with some real fucking swag…just cool and put together….well spoken and charismatic…and it was nice to see, or be reminded of, after dealing with all the media attention your politics get….

It was also inspiring because you aren’t all a bunch of shit head closed minded racists, a good thing, with clips of the 1950s Selma bridge walk that was just insane…because racism, especially from your president, is fucking crazy….it’s upsetting…it’s disgusting…

On Martin Luther King day and beyond…So what better way to celebrate progress, the future, or what the Obamas represent, than his daughter in a bikini..

I don’t think she’s 18, not the pot smoking college aged one, so don’t look too closely….All these girls of all ages wearing bikinis….like they are 18…even when they aren’t….because bikinis are racy and inappropriate…almost porno when looked at by most perverts…especially white bikinis…the internet is a bad place for bad people….

But she is a political hero, your FIRST child, a year after they are out of your life, apparently…doing just FINE….celebrating FREEDOM…the right way.

The real question is – where are the parents, I want some Michelle Obama up in a bikini right next to her, cuz she’s FINE.

Posted in:Sasha Obama