Tallulah Willis is teaching us a valuable lesson, and that is that the human body needs the sun on it’s bare skin for multiple health reasons, and that sunscreen, is apparently the real devil that causes cancer and kills the sea turtles in Hawaii…
She’s a down to earth, roots, hippie who grows her bush out…because I guess when you’re rich and have a trust fund and never have to work a day in your life…you can spend your days naked in the sun contemplating important questions of life…living on a permanent vacation…having fun with her dog…and that’s really living the dream..
The whole posting it to her social media seems a little shameless though…I mean we don’t need to be seeing this what would be cockteasing if she was hotter….if you’re not going to be spread eagled to celebrate your VULVA what’s the point of feminism…
Here is her sister Rumer trying to be sexy
Posted in:SFW|Tallulah Willis