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Cara Delevingne Topless Animal Abuse of the Day

Cara Delevingne Topless Animal Abuse for Tag Heuer

It amazes me how some of these people get jobs. It’s like all the marketing people at all the marketing companies sit together and decide who they will all use, and if you’ve put yourself out there proper, through milking whatever social climbing you’ve done, you can be a lottery winner getting paid, cashing in…just everyone throwing money at you – even when you’re not that great, or in Cara Delevingne’s case…pretty fucking ugly….despite being celebrated as a model…

Cara Delevingne is a Lesbian for a Reason….a reason I call lesbians aren’t superficial and don’t care if you look like a troll. They go for you because you have a soul and really in Cara Delevingne’s case she’s the one doing the “going for”…in her manipulative psychopath trying to get ahead kind of hustle…

She’s a scam. It’s obvious but she’s hand-bra-ing it for a top watch brand….because that’s just the kind of world we live in…it’s not porn if it is a million dollar deal.

It is unfortunate that the Lion didn’t do his damn job. I love when humans get mauled by animals for doing dumb shit with animals…like this..

Cara Delevingne Animal Abuse Tits for Tag Heuer

Posted in:Cara Delevingne|SFW