I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Lawrence Doing Media of the Day

Recently found love Jennifer Lawrence who I thought was taking the year off to chill on her pile of money and big tits….is out there doing a lot of MEDIA…

Two Magazines, both for October…what could she be promoting, I guess more than just her awesome tits, the best and only interesting thing about her…because everything else about this overpaid quirky dancing monkey who keeps Film Budgets high….is fucking annoying…

Those tits in all the slutty nudes the slutty girl starred in, her best role….that got a dude arrested and sent to jail over….and I am sure from his cell he feels like it was worth it…because the world needed to see the tits…she needed us to see them. It made her more appealing to me and I’m sure other J.Law Haters…

I don’t find her hot or interesting and these pics are old – being re-used because print magazines have budgets to respect – maximize as much as you can…but I’m posting it anyway…even if it isn’t nude…and isn’t new pics of her annoying white girl with too much money tits.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW