I'll Make You Famous…




Sadie Newman is Walking the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show of the Day

What’s there to say about Sadie Newman….other than her name is that of a dog I once new in the 80s, Sadie….she was a sweet lab / Collie mix who loved playing in the outdoors, loved chasing her tail, loved to cuddle on cold winter nights…she was one of the best there every was….

Newman, better than the old man, is the new man, or pussy that the people at victoria’s secret have been dabbling with and now issuing press releases on because they feel she’s madde it, good enough, top quality and walking their infomercial holiday fashion show that I assume no one will watch and that will have the lowest ratings ever because none of this shit matters and TV doesn’t matter…and we can see half naked girls, even the ones in the show all day.

The only way this would be exciting is if they used Nuns, or Mormons, or Amish women in their show…because you can’t see them half naked or full naked all the time…

Instead they keep up the marketing hype around it, they are rich and can and their pussy is top tier so we agree to participate enough…like posting this nonsense news item about their new pussy.

The nice thing about her…is that she’s not a huge social media attention seeking whore which I like….in a world of everyone being a whore…

She’s more high brow, high end, cunty than that….more of self promoter in other ways, like doing press releases for her new role as promo model for the biggest and best….allowing her to live that full rich expensive life her skinny frame deserves…

Posted in:Sadie Newman|SFW