I'll Make You Famous…




Margot Robbie in Harpers Bazaar of the Day

I am sure I am one of the only dudes who thinks that Margot Robbie is some overrated, overweight, large Australian who managed to pull off some scam, probably with her tits, or throat, that has led to a legit career.

I just don’t believe that amongst all the people out there trying to be famous, this one just stands out so above and beyond all the rest…

Especially since her breakout role was for being the naked chick in Wolf of Wall Street, not some fucking life changing performance…just a naked performance…

The point is, it’s all marketing, it’s all fake news, it is all media hype…she’s not that great…especially not in this queer shoot for a magazine…a magazine where I am sure all she has said in her interview is some wanking herself off bullshit to promote bullshit that doens’t matter.

I don’t believe the hype, or the lies…or this!!! But you do and I do it for you.

Some important takeaways from the article:

“Margot Robbie reveals she doesn’t want to serve as a ‘catalyst for male story lines’ by taking on ‘wife’ roles in her acting career”

Sure she doesn’t..if she did, that wouldn’t be trendy…what a fucking activist…fighting for women’s rights…while bitch would do whatever jobs she could before she was Margot Robbie and now all of a sudden she’s no longer the wife role…LOL…let’s see how this pans out over the next 20 years of her carer…fucking idiots…

REPLACE HER with another puppet talking head replaceable bitch.

She also went on some vapid conversation about playing an ugly role, and how brave the director was to make her look ugly…brave? She also said this on being ugly: “It was very alienating. And I felt very lonely. It was an interesting social experiment.”….

Shut the fuck up. Seriously…these are your idols? Get a grip.

Posted in:Margot Robbie|SFW