I'll Make You Famous…




Delilah Belle Hamlin Lingerie Model of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin is Lisa Rinna’s daughter.

You probably don’t remember Lisa Rinna because even when she mattered she didn’t matter…but she’s got a couple of LA daughters who are being raised by a shameless attention seeker with face injections…to be their own shameless attention seekers with face injections…

They are living that whole LA rich person life…where fame and attention means success and validates these people. Where all these people send their kids to the same school, to the same the camp, to the same birthday parties…so these people knew the Jenner kids first hand, the Hadids first hand, and thus are doing their best at getting it…

So they are all vapid, egotistical pieces of narcissistic shit…who have money and success for pretty much doing nothing, literally being lazy pieces of shit…who think they are awesome or hot…that have never actually worked a day in their life….using their connections to get naked or half naked on the social media….and now for a potential brand…cuz that’s how these things happen….

The good news is that it comes with nipples.

Posted in:Delilah Hamlin