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Archive for the Delilah Hamlin Category




Harry Hamlin Pervs on his Daughter of the Day

You know what they say, incest is the best, at least it is the number 1 porn category amongst the younger generation and one of the first pornos that inspired my existence was called SHARON which was amazing Incest comedy porn from the 70s or early 80s that is still available online if you’re looking for a a goodtime……the premise is one sister is jealous the other sister gets banged by the dad….

Anyway, as someone who doesn’t have a family, the incest thing doesn’t resonate with me on an emotional level, but I did read the premise of Flowers in the Attic last night and that was also a very popular incest story, so it’s obviously part of the American culture and not just in the backwoods of West Virginia, you genetic attraction, keep the bloodline going, despite the genetic disorders that may come from it or retardation…

Anyway, the whole narcissism and incest shit, coupled with the renting your kids out to richer and more powerful people, in exchange for getting your whore wife Lisa Rinna cast on hit shows, is just part of the culture, so when Harry Hamlin grabs at his slutty influencer whore daughter, while sniffing her hair like he probably sniffed her panties growing up, these LA people are weird, it’s just fatherly love, LA fatherly love…

Apparently the internet is mad at the picture…but you’re probably jacking off to it….

OR MAYBE, just MAYBE not everything is sexual and he’s just a proud dad and YOU ALL are the ones who have their minds in the gutter, sexualzing everything, like he’s standing there with his dick up inside her or some shit…GET it together….freaks.

Here she is in a hot body suit video for Kim K’s direct to consumer scam…..

Posted in:Delilah Hamlin




Delilah Belle Hamlin Looking Edible of the Day

Here’s some Delilah Belle Hamlin in one of the better Boston Whaler ads you’ve probably ever seen, because you’ve likely never seen a Boston Whaler ad, if anything it’s just a reminder that bitches like boats…get boats, get bitches…even if this is her dad’s boat, it still gets bitches…

Either way, the Lisa Rina slutty daughter crawling around in her bikini, because standard bikini pics aren’t slutty enough, featuring a wad of cum or tanning oil…on her ass to look like a wad of cum is a pretty interesting accessory, we gotta expect to see become a trend, because the world is a bunch of sheep, you just don’t notice it when it’s girls leveling up on the slutty….but like sports feats, when people break records held for decades and all of a sudden 40 people after the record is broken break the same record, they just needed the proof it could be done…only you can jerk off to this easier.

I don’t think the Hamlin daughter is anything special, just a rich kid living her best half naked, ass up in the air life…which I guess is special enough…

Keep on influencing.


Posted in:Delilah Hamlin




Delilah Hamlin Bikini Weirdness of the Day

There is really nothing much to say about Delilah Hamlin beyond that she is Lisa Rinna’s slutty daughter, which would be expected because Lisa Rinna was some plastic surgery ridden pile of shit slut who did playboy or basically did anything she could to make it in Hollywood, like the bottom feeder she is. I think she ended up on a Soap Opera before becoming a reality star. Anything for attention…

It’s that whore attitude that a mom needs to instil important morals and values into their own daughters, to keep the whore messaging alive. This is like the story telling modern man would tell from generation to generation before the printing press existed, only it’s more “how to use sexuality to get what you want”.

Like a Kris Jenner, Lisa Rinna wanted so much for herself, that she is spilling into her kids to carry that torch that she would have likely fucked herself with for the right producer, to keep the family legacy alive…

This is the behavior celebrated by the shitty people of Hollywood. Not to get their kids educated, or encourage them to be power women, they just want them to be shameless sluts like their mom.

It’s almost unfortunate, like seeing a stripper and her mom who is also a stripper, but more fancy cuz Hollywood….

I find it all pretty trashy, but luckily, trashy is all I’ve ever known.

Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Delilah Belle and Amelia Hamlin Bikini Sisters of the Day

Delilah Belle Amelia Hamlin Bikini

I don’t know wha thte fuck is going on on the right side of Lisa Rinna’s fater daughter’s hip, but it’s probably scars from her 16th birthday liposuction her vapid soap star, which is basically mainstream porn star, before becoming a reality star, which is basically also mainstream porn star mom Lisa made them get when she was trying to position them as bootleg Kardashians of instagram……

You know that a vain Hollywood based trashcan of a mother would put all kinds of pressure on her kid to starve herself out to be pretty enough to get attention needed to sell product on social media….which is what all these moms want.

Whatever it is, it’s fucking weird looking and I’ve seen chicks naked, fat chicks and skinny chicks, so this weirness is just weird….maybe it’s some Quarantine bod fails…but at least her sister, raised in the same trashy environment of being rich bottom of the barrel Los Angeles Entertainment industry trash. I’ll never understand why anyone envies these people….they are all lame as fuck….you know there are hot girls out there who don’t have sex worker moms trying to be exclusive and elite amongst other idiots who put importance on such bullshit like Hollywood….

We really shouldn’t hate on the girls who had no say in any of that, but were abused into it by their moms, it’s almost mean to point out her weird pussy area, that looks like an obese stomach after it was stapled, because this poor girl is the victim here, her mother probably puts her through enough grief….and it’s really not all that bad….but her mother is all that bad….maybe they’ll collectively turn on her and the HAMLIN SISTERS will be the next Menedes Brotehrs…only time will tell…but the one on the left is about two burritos away from snapping…after being shamed for eating two burritos…



Posted in:Amelia Hamlin|Delilah Hamlin




Delilah and Amelia Hamlin Masked Up of the Day

Delilah and Amelia Hamlin Masked Up

Delilah Belle and her Slutty Sister are the product shat out by bottom feeder Lisa Rinna, who along with being naked in Playboy after a shitty Soap Opera career, which is basically porn for old fat trailer park women on disability, that she turned into bottom feeding reality show stardom based on being rich in LA, because she’s living her dream like the pile of trash that she is….

In living her dream out, she’s had a few kids that she’s trained to be high end, rich person hookers, who manipulate the media as best as they can as low level reality star offspring….be slutty, get noticed and hopefully you can become a kardashian too.

In famewhoring, they put on some bike shorts, jacked them up into their cunts, threw on a mask for effect…you know current climate shit…and hot, rich, but not too rich to feel secure because they grew up with more rich and relevant people, out whoring…the way nature intended!



Posted in:Delilah Hamlin




Delilah Belle Hamlin Tight Leggings of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin Tight Leggings

Here’s Delilah Hamlin walking with her phone next to her pussy – probably set on vibrate because these young whores are fucking horny all the time, love contributing to the global masturbation pandemic in their own right, because thanks to Kim K and her sex tapes, coupled with being raised on porn…it is finally considered cool and trendy to be a sex worker.

Young girls everywhere turning 18 are making the move to selling their feet pics to monetize their content, because DIY while showing everyone how edgy you are…and not just the weird victim of abuse young girls, but all girls, regular middle of the road girls, out here cashing in on their cunts!

This Delilah Belle has an advantage because she’s rich and has parents willing to invest in her being a mainstream whore, a social media slut who is considered relevant enough to cash in on influencer money, doing their own version of the HADIDs…

Her mom such a whore she did this dance video in a sheer dress that I posted yesterday and will post again now because both their tits are visible…

The kind of mentor every girl trying to get ahead needs….a playboy whore turned reality star…or as Delilah calls her….mom.



Posted in:Delilah Hamlin




Lisa Rinna and Daughter Delilah Hamlin Dance in Sheer Dresses Nips Out of the Day

Lisa Rinna is like any mom in Hollywood of her age who moved their to get famous, sucked dick to get famous, but is now on a reality show…a famewhore who likes attention, the media, press.

In being a famewhore, she’s extended that onto her kids, that she’s raised to be young sluts of their own. In an attempt to keep up with the Hadids and Jenners, because that’s how vile people of Los Angeles are. Their dreams are so fucking silly…to be the biggest whore people celebrate, or at least be the mother to the biggest whore people celebrate, when they could be focusing on more important issues.

In keeping up with being a stage mother fame whore, she took advantage of the Quarantine incest movement going on across america, it’s like prison sex but less gay…she decided to do a titty dance tits out with her baby girl….in a “show em what momma taught you to do with your titties to get noticed”….tapping into any mom/daughter fetish you may have…and I know people who have had them…while Rinna uses Hamlin for attention by being all braless in a dress together…I bet they pee in front of each other too.

Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|Lisa Rinna




Delilah Belle Hamlin Nipples of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin Nipples

Woah…Delilah Belle Hamlin’s face….

This is the unfiltered version of her I guess. No instagram photoshop you know EVERY single loser bitch trying to be an influencer because she’s got no fucking soul…it is all a fucking lie and thee fact that people follow and buy into these people despite them being straight up clowns, who aren’t even that hot, producing barely interesting content. It’s really just clown shit, like a modern day circus, some Ringling Brothers shit…and their big red noses are nose jobs, and their clown make-up is highlights and countouring, and their big clown shoes are in the form of lips…

The funniest thing about this, is that I see girls in everyday looking like this. I guess they are INFLUENCED…or have some sort of dysmorphia, or insecurity that they think will be fixed by migrating your face into becoming a muppet.

She crawled out of Lisa Rinna’s cunt, so I wouldn’t expect her to not have that clown face…it is just crazy she thinks this is a good look or that this works and by “THIS” I mean the face, the whole nipple thing is great thoug I will never get bored of that.



Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Delilah Belle Hamlin Hard Nipples of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin Hard Nipples

Delilah Hamlin has nipples and she sure as fuck is going to show them off when the paparazzi her and her mom called to capture the moment are around.

It is a huge way to play up the free press a couple of hard nips get a bottom feeding shithead rich kid with a very obvious and uneventful dream of being jerked off to like the other rich kids..a dream ya’ll will make come true…

I guess the real question is how many Iron Maiden songs does her boyfriend in the short pants rock out to while questioning his gender?


Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW|Uncategorized




Delilah Belle Hamlin Nip Slip of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin Nip Slip

Delilah Belle Hamlin is Lisa Rina’s whore daughter, who when she got her period Lisa Rina took her to the face injection spa to make her look more like her mom, a muppet…which isn’t all that unheard of in LA where all these moms are basically sex workers and their daughters are their dolls that they can teach all they’ve learned in whoring to….so they can be more strategic in whoring ….so that they can win at whore life….

And they say Prostitution is illegal, when everyone on social media is doing it daily, even rich kids….with famous parents…not that Lisa Rina is all that famous, but I guess famous enough for people to think here whore daughter matters…

Delilah Belle Hamlin Nip Slip



Posted in:Delilah Hamlin