Juno Temple is hot, now that I realize who Juno Temple even is. WHO EVEN IS JUNO TEMPLE! I would ask myself at night before falling asleep…..
I always just assume she’s the girl in JUNO…but that’s some Canadian Dyke who is annoying…while this one…has been in important shows like Netflix’s Dirty John….their latest viral success after buying to rights to a podcast in a world where everyone cares about podcasts…and I’ve still never listened to a podcast…but I have been listing to Talk Radio for over 20 years as I type my prose, pouring my heart and soul into this computer for all of you…..because music is stupid..unless it’s old music…but the radio never plays old music…unless you listen to talk radio on the weekend when they play their music shows…
Point being, Podcast or not, Juno, not the annoying Lesbian Juno, but this Juno has a solid command and understanding on how to wear shorts….
We have already seen her naked.

Posted in:Juno Temple