I still don’t know who Kara Del Toro is so I assume she is Benicio Del Toro because this was the first thing that came up when I googled her and one time google is enough google for someone we’re only looking at cuz of the tits….
We don’t need to do any investigative journalism here, in fact we’d have no idea where to start with this investigative journalism, because I have never gone to Journalism school, and despite badly written blog entries, a format that changed journalism before podcasting and youtube and instagram killed us, doesn’t mean I know how to write.
I am confident that reading my posts will display that utter lack of talent or ability, something I am sure Kara Del Toro would notice if she didn’t have huge tits to put out there to get everyone to notice her, you know make up with your inadequacies by peacocking for cock…which is what this is all about…
Posted in:Kara Del Toro|SFW