I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Mottet Fake New Art of the Day

Art is a myth…it doesn’t actually exist. It is just something idiots tell themselves they are doing to justify what they are doing. Sometimes, they can monetize that art, sometimes they can make that art into a business, which I guess would take away from the artistic merit of the whole thing, but for the most part it’s just an excuse….an excuse for a rich kid to not get an actual job, or an actual education…a “I went to art schooL”…so they can be stoned all day and make silly, superficial, nonsense pieces that are either sculpture, collage, paintings….that aren’t innovative, interesting, but most importantly…that don’t require talent…it’s just bullshit….

Art, for the sake of this site is a great thing, because it gives girls this excuse or confidence to get naked in photos…thinking there is something cerebral or high brow about their shit….when really…it’s just superficial clickbait that means nothing…does nothing…but nudity is a grea self promotional tool….and that’s what is about…

Call it what you want, I’m too busy looking at your pubic hair to care.

Posted in:Victoria Mottet