I'll Make You Famous…




Shenise Breslin is Out There With her Tits of the Day

I think it’s safe to assume that Shenise Breslin is Abigail Breslin’s sister….Abigrail Breslin for those who don’t know…is Little Miss Sunshine…a movie she starred in as a kid, many yeas ago, before turning fat…a movie that I guess her sister Shenise will forever be jealous of because it made her sister more important tan her, which is something all girls hate, because they want to be the more important one, especially when they are prettier one….so all they can do is rebel, try to get noticed, try to stand out, and often times, at least in this social media era…that happens with slutty pics….with the titties out….

So here are the slutty pics with the titties out….in a bikini that looks like a SUMO diaper, licking Lollipops, oiled up, all the cliche’s that make instagram so popular….and so repeitive and boring….someone needs to come in their and re-invent the shit…but they’d probably get banned cuz IG likes where they are at as a grey area porn site…it gets the pageviews fuckers..

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