I'll Make You Famous…




Juana Burga Nude Model Topless of the Day

Juana Burga is a Peruvian model! She has a wikipedia page! Which means she’s accomplished so much than the young instagram girls have done. She’s living the dream, because in the world of slutty girls on instagram, a wikipedia page is that stamp of approval that means they exist….

She’s got 100k followers, which is small time in the instagram game, but thanks to that WIKIPEDIA and the fact that she gets paid work…she can play it off as “just something I do for fun”…rather than something she obsesses over and strategizes on all day with various nudes by various photographers to get big on the Gram..

They say she’s an actress and activist and that she is the only Peruvian fashion model to walk in New York, London, Milan and Paris Fashion Week and was recognized as the most successful Peruvian model of all time….her nickname Machu Picchu….and here she is showing herr Machu Picchu.

Nice. Work.

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