When Aubrey O’Day is not out there milking off Don Trump Jr’s name to get into the media, you know to secure some headlines, she’s doing the weirdest fucking slutty photoshoots at 35, looking like a bootleg Kardashian thanks to all the cheap an accessible cosemtic procedures that turn women into muppets…and so many women buy into that muppet look…like fucking drones…you know the same type of people who LOVED the GAP in the 90s because everyone mainstream loved the GAP in the 90s….are now treating face injections and ass injections and fat sucked out of stomach for instagram like they did the Gap….
What I am saying is that these people don’t even know what is hot, what they like, they just know what they think people like and jump in to get a piece of that pie…which in and of itself is pretty desperate and lame but you don’t need to take my word for it…just look at the pics she’s releasing…softcore middle aged instagram porn and it’s fucking weird…

Posted in:Aubrey O'Day