Kate Beckinsale’s fans must be happy for what they signed up for all those years ago. You know when Kate Beckinsale first hit the nerd scenes and the nerds decided to respond favorably to her as someone to jerk off to…
So as they get older and older, still committed to their celebrity crush cuz they are weird…Beckinsale and her vampire who doesn’t age….keeps bringing them goods…and by goods I mean her fit old body in various slutty poses that are hardly age appropriate, not that age appropriate is even a thing anymore, these old bitches are BOLD, but luckily not all old bitches LOOK like old bitches and that’s nice….isn’t it…it gives us all hope the women we marry will age this good…they won’t by the way…but we hope they do….not that anyone will marry you, your Kate Beckinsale shrine in your studio apartment with various things you’ve stuck your dick into scattered around the room, and a jar of old cum next your keyboard, with that pungent stench that could be your rotten take out boxes, but is probably more a biproduct of your chronic masturbation….kinda turns them off, unless you find one looking for a Greencard, then you’re good….but not as good as BECKINSALE….
Posted in:Kate Beckinsale