I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte Lawrence Titty Flash of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence being slutty, we have seen her NIPPLES before…

For those of you who don’t know anything about her, and you really shouldn’t because she’s not that big of a deal, and at 19, you knowing about her is pretty fucking weird.

Unless you were her gym teacher, in which case we’d expect you to know all about her, maybe even own one of her dirty socks you found in her locker you broke into, that you intended to use to sniff during your masturbation, because you like her that much. You’re a gym teacher, we get that by default you’re a fucking predator..

That said, Charlotte Lawrence is an “Indie” popstar, where “indie” means my parents bought me a record deal like I was Massimo’s kids and now they are buying her publicity to help her achieve her dreams cuz they are her parents and see her talent, and don’t see her vapid LA cunt qualities.

I am sure nothing in her life has been a challenge, you know with her dad being the creator of the series Scrubs, co-creator of Cougar Town and co-creator of Spin City and writer for a bunch of shit sitcoms and her mom being Drew Carey’s friend Kate on his shit sitcom…but I guess that’s the LA way, be born into the right place to the right family and the people will believe you’re legit and not just some rich kid who bought the career…

Here’s a video of her doing some nonsense made to look vintage for aesthetic ya know.


Posted in:charlotte lawrence|SFW