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Anastasia Ashley Saves Ocean With Her Surf Ass of the Day

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Aquawoman-saving the ocean one plastic bag at a time ?

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Surfer turned instagram bikini booty, Anastasia Ashley, who has been doing this internet thing with her ass for a while now…and unlike all the fake bitches with the fake asses and fake faces….this ass comes from surfing….

She clearly still has what it takes as she brings what I consider to be the best Halloween video of the year….

I don’t do or care for superhero shit, it actually normally offends me, I’ve been bitching about Hollywood making these movies for CHINA before Scorcese did, but I do think humans are disgusting and killing the sea turtles with all their trash from shit they don’t even need…and I fucking love sea turtles…so we need to do what we can to save them…and if we can do that with hot asses in thong outfits…even better…

This is a great career move for her, Halloween or not, just taking on the job from instagram booty, to saving the world like some kind of activist, without being a cunt about it…..RID the ocean of single use plastics…one plastic bag at a time..all while using her superhero trident so that all you nerds can jack off to it and know it is real…weirdos.

The only conflict I have watching this, is that pollution makes human extinction far more likely, and I’m ready for that reset…cuz humans suck…but when there are wet round asses involved….I guess going on another day isn’t that bad…

Fun, Positive messaging without being a Social Justice Warrior…pretty solid.

Posted in:Anastasia Ashley|SFW