I'll Make You Famous…




Creepy Katie Holmes Pantsless for a Magazine of the Day

Do you believer in life after Tom Cruise?

I guess it is nice of him for not decommissioning her…you know selling her for parts to the other scientologist homosexuals to build Stepford Wives of their own with….or even just giving it away, he’s rich and doesn’t need the money…

I am not sure what magazine this is from, but I think it’s a nice reminder that I don’t give a fuck about Katie Holmes. Only once in her career was she hot and it was when she was naked and underwater in that move I’m sure you’ve all seen, and that alone is hard to embrace as being hot…because she was playing dead while naked…I didn’t watch Dawson’s Creek….because I am a man…

I did see her in a park filming a movie here in Montreal and she didn’t even connect with my dog…reaffirming she’s a robot fuck…how could a human not even acknowledge a dog right next to her….maybe she was practicing her lines you know actors…so along with thinking she was a soulless cunt, I can tell you first hand that she is zero hot…and when you’re an actor…being zero hot is not a good thing when you try to play the hot chick.

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