I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Lopez Old Tits in GQ of the Day

Jennifer Lopez is bringing the commentary on the demographic of people who read magazines…because I don’t know anyone under 40 years old with any interest in seeing J.Lo and her 50 year old ass sexualizing herself thanks to plastic surgery, fitness routines for the rich, other witchcraft, nutritionists…because MENOPAUSE doesn’t smell as bad as it tastes but it sure fucking stinks…

Why is she grabbing at her tits like she’s starring in some low budget porno? Or maybe a fucking 90s infomercial for a phone sex company….we could have a really great time, if you called me, just call me, pick up the phone…you know cuz she was 35 back when that was on TV every night….

I don’t know about you, but J.Lo has DONE her time, she has MADE her money and despite having fans that want to watched her aged ass slowly curdle, and money is out there to be made, she doesn’t need to be hyped up…I think we treat her like an old bitch trying to be young cuz she’s got the money to do so…but acting like she’s hot, or amazing, or a symbol of hope for other aging bitches is just lame…

We get it, you’ve been fucking for 35 years….lots of cock…and Yes we’d all fuck her, she’s J.Lo…but do magazines for MEN need to be celebrating this nonsense..

Out with the old slut, in with the new sluts…and there are new sluts that deserve some shine….fuck J.Lo…like everyone else that has fucked J.lo in her quest to win….

Print is Dead…here’s the proof.

Men specific content is dead….here is the proof

J.Lo is old and desperate and gross….her is the proof

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