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Hilary Duff Wants to Show You Her New Mom Skills of the Day

Here are some pics of “STUFF BY HILARY DUFF”….Lizzie Maguire legend to the perverts everywhere who tricked Disney into thinking that it was a popular kids show and that those kids are now 30 and ready to watch a reboot available exclusively on their app…when really it was all of you sick fucks jacking off to the Disney Channel even the cable company you hired to get your cable back in the cable days questioned you about…seeing as you lived alone in a studio apartment…”why you need Disney Channel Bro, that’s weird”.

Well, Hilary Duff is more than just some Disney Kid at 30, she’s a banged out mom and in being a mom, who has been banged out by a lot of dudes, including but not limited to an NHL player that probably cucked her off to the team….

She’s got skills, and those skills are a pussy that can eat the leggings, not cuz it is a hungry pussy but because it’s a mom pussy.

At least she’s skinnier than she used to be, but them pussy lips, they still fat. Getitng back in that Lizzie Maguire shape I guess.

Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW