Monster Khloe Kardashian (OJ’s kid) posted this boomerang of her sister Kourntey (the oldest one) doing squats in the gym, if you look hard enough you can see all 3 of her haemorrhoids… happens with childbirth and I guess being a Kardashian….they all got them BANGED out manholes…..even their stepdad….not to mention bitch is in her 40s…why are we sexualizing this….not only is it bad enough she’s a demon Kardashian scamming…but she’s also old as shit.
Why haven’t we collectively got rid of these people, the fact they can still push or sell product means people find them interesting, in the know, compelling….and that blows my fucking mind….they’ve always been detached, lame fucks…but then again I am not the masses and I don’t buy into the same shit the masses do…and I see through their act whether it went viral or not…so there’s been this giant WTF QUESTION mark over their entire “careers” being “themselves”…not really grasping why they got where they got or do what they do but I have to remind myself that people are all dick suckers who attach themselves to whatever they think others think is relevant. So if you can figure out that way to reach the masses, the masses aren’t smart enough to not BUY what you are selling, and the masses can make you massively rich.
I haven’t figured out that part of the equation yet, instead I write blog posts to myself everyday.

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian