I'll Make You Famous…




Maria Menounos Got her Tits Out in a Bikini of the Day

Maria Menounos is still out here self promoting herself, because why the fuck not, what else is she going to do with herself. She’s in her 40s, no longer on nightly TV talking about other people while deeply wanting to be those people, only to have been able to become some level of those people, thanks to the perversion of you!

So I guess this is her giving thanks for that?! Who knows. Bitch is in a Bikini with her Greek tits that I assume like Anal because the Greek invented it, because sex workers call Anal going Greek out….and that’s about the extent of the discussion….uninspired by Maria Menounos since I first saw Maria Menounos. She just doesn’t have any star power to me. I’ll post it because her happiness is important news.

Glad things worked out for you girl.

Posted in:Maria Menounos