Nobody remembers Nicki Minaj, she finally fell the fuck off after WAY too many collabs with rappers to attempt to give her this “hard” and “ghetto” persona….like she was some stripper or dick riding sex worker…when really they found her in acting school and cast her to be whatever it is they created with her. It was originally some black Lady Gaga, then it turned into a modern Lil KIm, but the whole thing contrived bullshit and this puppet just believed the hype as the hits rolled in…..I’ve hated every second of her career…
But I approve of pulling the nasty fake tits out for attention now that the world has moved on from her…because these people HATE becoming irrelevant…especially in a social media era where follower retention is so high making it impossible to officially die…
Either way, MINAJ nastiness and not in a good way…..
Posted in:Nicki Minaj