I'll Make You Famous…




These Images Didn’t Violate Instagram’s Policy of the Day

Instagram like all the big internet businesses rely on porno to power their businesses. This isn’t a new concept, 30 percent of Comcast cable subscribers at their peak, when people used cable were subscriped to their PORN channels. They just didn’t want people knowing that they were a porn company and instead wanted to focus on the fact that they owned NBC or whatever fucking network is that they own.

Youtube and Google powered by PORN whether it is FETISH videos or search results, they just pretend thant they aren’t powered by porn…and Facebook with Instagram is no different….they just all turn a blind eye to the smut and do what they can to get away with the smut cuz it gets them money….it’s all a fucking scam…

But these images of some IG whore who gets naked, which I support and appreciate do not breach their terms and services…while I’ve had accounts deleted for far less…because there was a time I was using social media…hating social media…and getting deleted by social media for being too sleazy for social media…while this is “All Good”…

The world is hypocritical…the key is to figure out how to be on the right side of that table…where they don’t see you as porn, but as art or high concept….I am on the wrong side of the table despite not EVEN being porn and I’m ok with that…I’ have to be…all the other blogs like this cashed out in 2010 for millions of dollars while I was able to afford beer…but enough about me…how crazy is instagram …

Posted in:Instagram