I'll Make You Famous…




Marta Gromova Bringing the Food and Nudity of the Day

Marta Gromova Nude

In the spirit of Food and Nudity, here are some more foodie pics to follow up on last weeks post

I haven’t been posting these random instagram nude models for a while, they are the first to send you legal takedown notices and I was basically protesting the whole thing.

In a lot of ways, I like the pre-famous girl using nude shoots to build an audience, like so many girls are doing…it is ENDLESS content stream of nudes and as someone who thinks all girls on social media are whores looking for attention or dick…or how to manipulate the right dick…I am all about it…but then they don’t give that gratitude back when you call them out on them doing nude shoots to get noticed because they don’t have any real talent and aren’t that compelling so they go bottom of the barrel….a place I know all too well.

They are out here working at getting perverts to send them money for panties, feet pics, snap chat subscriptions, anything to not get a job or skillset due to laziness….and some of them are making 50k a month doing it. It’s nuts.

I love that they say “fuck celebs” because celebs really don’t matter now and for the most part they aren’t even that hot, while these real girls are far hotter and more accessible…but they can’t handle the hate…the criticism…the negative feedback that I think is positive feedback…they are babies…and always come back crying….plus half the girls who don’t make it turn to god and try getting their archive of nude shoots that I guess they play off as a “phase” off the internet…it’s just a weird time….not a bad time.

SO…I’m all about IG nude model who has adult braces posing with food…I am just not interested in hearing from her people because they think I am implying she’s a slut for getting naked….because it’s feminism and empowerment…which I am all about…I mean…cuz I love nudity.

In the spirit of Food and Nudity, here are some more foodie pics to follow up on last weeks post..

Food Nudity

Food Nudity


Posted in:Marta Gromova