I'll Make You Famous…




Nicole Richie in Menopause Pants of the Day

Nicole Richie is a cunt and rightfully so, her birth parents wanted nothing to do with her and gave her that ORPHAN Annie story with Lionel, who may or may not have fucked her, as grown men who adopt kids often do, it’s not like it’s incest….I mean why would a grown ass man want to adopt a kid that isn’t his…it makes no sense.

That said I call her a cunt because I know she’s a cunt. I met her once and thus I am an authority on her…or at least an authority on her before she got the fake tits and made babies with the lamest dude in LA.

Needless to say, I am not a fan, but thought it was funny to see the old hag modelling underwear…like what? We haven’t seen or heard from Paris’ sidekick in 10 years or more, and now she’s in her underwear….underwear that I am calling MENOPAUSE pants cuz she’s basically that age…assuming she hasn’t thwarted that pesky period with her starving of herself all these years….

She used to be fat, lest we forget, never forget, always remember…fat Nicole…but you probably prefer 40 year old adopted child who is likely a victim of abuse showing off some bolt ons cuz her natural tits, even when she was fat were shit.

Posted in:Nicole Richie|SFW