I'll Make You Famous…




Vanessa Hudgens Thirsty on Thursday of the Day

I know it is Friday but I am late to the game. I don’t go on social media. I hate the shit and it bores me. I don’t need to see what these assholes are up to every minute of my life. I prefer being left the fuck alone.

That said, Vanessa Hudgens has been starving herself out and working out since her recent break up with a dude she was with for 9 years…which is nutty and totally understandable why they dude who is getting some celebrity would ditch out on the old pussy, when there’s a world of new pussy out there throwing itself at him…escape the old…onto the new…she’s old…and she’s feeling it…but she’s trying…

She does these THIRSTY THURSDAY posts on social media since the break up that are a mix of trying to get some attention, trying to feel good about herself, millions of people watch her shit, trying to piss off the ex who is balls deep in three other hotter chicks, all to help her through this dark time.

She is an original nude selfie performer…a “leaked nude” on the earliest camera phone…so she’s all about that “look at me life”…she’s a child actor, so her parents and Disney trained her for this. Perverts.

Her caption on the video:

Look how sweaty she is…. she must be #THIRSTYthursday

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens