Jojo is playing with her tits with her mom…
I was never a fan of Jojo, but I was around when she was at her peak…at least in terms of having a celebrity blog like some teen girl where I’d write about tits…
The one thing I remember was that her mom was a cleaning lady in Boston, or wherever they are from, and they broke out of that working class lifestyle thanks to selling the daughter off to the industry…
Not much has changed on my end, 15 years in the life of a loser means very little happens. I’m still a fat degenerate impotent loser with a shitty fat wife and a shitty exsitence…that “works for me” cuz at least I’m not homeless…
BUT A LOT has changed for Jojo….she fell off the map, dated a series of black dudes she probably supported and in the last 3 years decided to revisit social media..where she slowly gets more and more slutty knowing that people respond better to the more and more slutty…
So this is just another step in the right direction of the big tits, and I guess it’s better than her alternate reality of being a stripper living in a one room pay by the week motel that her mom cleans in exchange for the room….
She was a future ghetto white trash meth addict who sucks dick on paper, but luckily mainstream media moved in so now all she does in terms of sex work is rubs her titt

Posted in:JoJo