Zoey Deutch is some celebrity rich kid, if you consider Caroline in the City a celebrity. You probably don’t even remember who that is. Which is probably the reason that Zoey Deutch is on the quest to be famous in her own right, because she needs to use the foundation built by her mom, to next level it…while most celebrity kids try to get famous to break out of their parents’ shadow, this one is doing it to get their name on the map. She was raised with all these LA rich kids, so she had to be lower profile her whole life and that’s the fuel to her fire….I assume…I mean I know nothing about Zoey Deutch, meaning everything I just said was nonsense…
What isn’t nonsense is that I see videos of girls fucking pillows online, I see girls fucking suction dildos online, I see girls doing all kinds of crazy things with inanimate objects….but I don’t see girls fucking fridges enough. It’s like girls like to pretend they don’t eat, or they like to pretend they do eat but then puke it all up, but they never seem to show the proper appreciation for their fridge that houses that food they pretend to eat, or pretend not to eat.
I guess that can be Zoey Deutch’s legacy.
Posted in:Zoey Deutch