In unfortunate memoria day news, Bella Hadid has not been kicked in the face by one of her horses on her rich person farm she pretends to be down to earth and productive in agriculture and animal care on, she’s bullshit. She just looks like she has.
I find Bella Hadid’s existence offensive, because her family bought her sister’s success and she was a bi-product of that, able to make people consider her relevant or interesting or important, just never as interesting or important as she thinks she is, you know vapid self involved cunts and all…so everything about her, from her face to her popularity is everything wrong in the world…or at least representative of a lot wrong in the world, but the tits are good enough for me to ignore all that and stare at….because if I know one thing about myself it is that even the worst tits on the worst human will be stared at by me…cuz tits are better than all the noise and bullshit that makes up the bullshit..

Posted in:Bella Hadid