I'll Make You Famous…




Nurses Being Sluts of the Day

I don’t have a nurse fetish, I just find it comedic that all these nurses who are being presented as heroes, are double dipping posting nudes to the internet in attempts to get people to sign up to their onlyfans. It’s a joke….

If anything, I find nurses to be disgusting, as they work amongst virus and disease, even before this whole COVID thing, if I found out a bitch worked in a hospital, I’d stay as far away as possible, I have spent a life making my bubble through anti-social, hermit-like, agoraphobic, but less phobic, more too lazy to go out behavior…keep your damn Epstein Barr to your damn self…now with COVID…it’s just an added virus to the list of why I cross the road when I see them, like you white people protesting cops for killing black dudes act when you see a black dude on the street walking your way – because you’re fucking racist no matter how many targets you loot.

The point is that nurses aren’t heroes, they hate being nurses, they do it because it’s a guaranteed decent paying job, where they are in such high demand they can post their nudes with their faces….because no one’s going to fire them now…

So here are your heroes, being real heroes, because they are listening to their horny selves and posting nudes like the pleasing and helpful exhibitionists that got them into administering medication in the first place.

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