Ashley Tisdale can’t help herself from being a lame as fuck human. She’s a Disney kid from an era where Disney Kids were these overly happy, cartoon character versions, of humans. They’d wear their colorful lame fucking outfits and do song and dance shit. They were worse than any MALL BRAND…they were some fast food, light hearted, idiotic, safe for everything, non offensive, no soul or edge creepy Pleasantville bullshit.
So she was raised in that bubble, before it was cool to post pics of your asshole while on her period, because feminism…or whatever…the whole Disney Kid becoming Miley or Bella Thorne is the now…but Tisdale is the then…
That said, she’s been consistently mangled face, in part due to her botched surgeries, but she was mangled before thatm, hence the botched surgeries..
At 35, in a Bikini top and slutty shorts doing some lame fucking dance doesn’t really save her, she’s still shit, but half naked makes shit more tolerable…you know life fucking a hot chick before her shower and only being able to smell her asshole…gross in ways because it really smells like assholes…but not offensive because it’s on a hot chick you are fucking and not a waitress serving you your dinner at a social distancing restaurant…..

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale