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Some Asshole Behind Thong of the Day

Pussy Eating Panties…or assholes too big for the panties…I just like writing the word panties seems to be a massive fucking trend on the internet because there’s an endless supply of girls posting pics of their assholes peeking out of their thongs…because thongs are designed to prevent pantylines and to give the pussy a catching device for its discharge, where the asshole is neglected coverage for if they designed a panty to also cover the anus, it’d be fullback…granny panties…while thongs need to be a little less nurturing to the asshole, they need to hope for the best and that the asshole behind the thong’s owner keeps it neat and clean and not oozing with anal mucus despite the HPV….

Point is, girls like showing off their assholes, they realize it’s the gateway to their soul, butt plug sales are at record highs, we are a vagina hating, asshole loving society, that probably happened with the whole emasculating the American male and turning them all into genderless queers…

Whatever the reason, I like assholes behind thongs….

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