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Bella Hadid Tits of the Day

Bella Hadid Nipples See Through

We’ve established that Bella Hadid is a fucking scam….a rich kid from LA with a reality show mother who fucked around with Rich Guys in Hollywood, marrying at least two of them because that’s what whores do…

It only made sense that her daughters would have the same low hanging fruit whore behavior, because that’s the basic foundation of all young girls raised by whores in Hollywood….they just keep up the momentum and don’t know better.

I assume it’s a lot like being raised by a stripper, seeing how easy mom makes that money, only to follow suit, with more knowledge and skills than the mom because you get all of the mom’s insight as she coaches or grooms you.

I guess it’s what athlete kids are like, you know when you see a NFL player who had a dad in the league, they just have a few more skills having been raised in it….

But Bella Hadid has REAL fucking master of illusion skills, entitled and confident because she was raised in it, but never having the hotness to really carry it….but who needs hotness in this era of everyone is a fucking model, even monsters…

I don’t understand why she’s got this hard, man face, even after all the cosmetic procedures, but she does and it doesn’t matter, if anything, she is just a reminder that the fashion industry threw in the towel on finding actual talent and goes for the people with likes and follows, while the mainstream threw in the towel on bothering to find compelling figures to look up to, instead following what the Kardashians tell them to.

I am obviously not against her showing off her tit in a sheer top, I’ll look at any girl showing off her tits, I just think it’s weird that a “top” fashion model, who looks like a dude, produces such low hanging fruit ONLY FANS level clickbait, but I guess the world is just a bunch of whores..

She is an ugly dude more than of a hot, overhyped, top Model in the fashion industry….but she’s also an overyhyped model in the fashion industry.

Bella Hadid Nipples Nude

Here’s her underboob
Bella Hadid Underboob

Bella Hadid Underboob


Posted in:Bella Hadid