I'll Make You Famous…




TikTok Bikini Girl Fail of the Day

TikTok is the Chinese Spyware that should probably be banned in the USA, but that would be seen as an attack on your freedoms, almost as bad as being asked to wear masks in stores, because all these young idiots into an audience love the idea of being spied on, it’s their fetish, their motivation, it’s what keeps them posting the content…building the followers and to think it’d get taken away will cause a huge uprising with people too young to vote, but old enough to post bikini and no-bra sexual content….because TikTok like all social media is inconsistent in their messaging.

So, some of the content is song and dance weirdness, other content is stunts and challenges, a lot of the content is perverted, abortion jokes, teens being inappropriate for Chinese men…the way they like it…

This is merging of both those things, young, dumb, half naked, stunts…failing…gone viral…watch.

Posted in:Videos