I'll Make You Famous…




Brie Larson’s Fitness of the Day

No one gives a fuck about Brie Larson which is nice….my theory is when you’re a fucking hack you’re a hack and the world sees through it…whether you’ve manipulated the executives or not into thinking you’re worthy of the high payday…

But a star has to be a star, it goes beyond just being cast as a star, it’s some imposter shit that’s obvious, and if you don’t believe me ask why only 250k people watched her shitty youtube workout that was only retweeted 2,500 times…that’s not digitial marketing prowess of an influencer….I mean…basically no influence…

I have never liked this mooch, I never found her hot, and she has always been such a fucking try hard who made it….good agents I guess.

I guess she’s looking more fit than ever, I assume she’s had work done, they all have, maybe some booty injections or whatever….but she’s not drinking enough adrenochrome, get those stemcells into her, she’s ragged….

I am still amazed that only 250k people watched her work out in spandex showing off her new ass….and it is nice to know she’s no that impactful despite being overpaid celebrity because celebrities can be fucking losers, they usually are, people tend to forget that…

I think the Barsita cam girl down the street from you pulls better ratings than this, and now that TV is replaced by internet official, maybe Larson will realize she had her window, her minute, or 15 minutes, she’s likely rich enough to chill, even though you know she wants more…they always want more…these greedy empty pieces of shit…

The sad thing is that ya’ll like her and that she’s still a celeb!

Posted in:Brie Larson