I'll Make You Famous…




Halle Berry Bikini of the Day

Halle Berry Bikini

I guess I should rename this site “aging celebrities you once jerked off to dot com”…because it’s just a constant series of disappointments as every girl I post on here is some “once hot 10 years or more ago”….from Mischa Barton’s spilling out of her bikini bottoms as much as her bikini top…to Heather Graham…all while there’s so much new pussy out there, more new pussy than ever out there, but because celebrity has taken a whole new meaning, don’t have the legacy these ones have…even though none of this shit really means anything….a half white, raised white, suburban girl playing black people for a Racist Hollywood because she could easily speak their white language thanks to being white, while just as easily mocking the black people she related to on a white suburban level…because I am sure she was teased for her darker skin, but that’s a little different than growing up poor as shit turning to the streets or whatever…

What I am saying is that before white people did the whole Black Lives Matter nonsense to fight systemmic racism, and before Zoe Saldana cried about not being black enough to play Nina Simone, I was there saying “Halle Berry is white as shit and her playing black people is racist shit”….well she’s posting up some bikini pics like she’s not 50…because I guess her black genetics are a reminder that Black don’t Crack….while white does..so that deadbeat black daddy who donated his sperm to her pervert BBC mom gave her those superior black genes that allow her to have a hot body into her senior years…and I appreciate more than she probably does, you know all those daddy issues…


Posted in:Halle Berry