I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Aniston Playing Pool of the Day

Damn…Jennifer Aniston looks like shit. Cleary it’s just a question of the aging process, where she’s so rich that she doesn’t really need to give a fuck about looking good anymore, she’s rich as shit…you know being Jennifer Aniston and all….

Not to mention, this isn’t all that surprising, considering at 45 they were still using her as some sort of Heart Throb which I questioned their decision, but they wanted Aniston ‘s celebrity attached to the project…and she was still fit…

But then again, even on Friends she wasn’t actually hot, she just had hard nipples that made you think she was hot….and her fans probably appreciate that she doesn’t look quite as much as a muppet as she should being in LA….but sometimes, BOTOX MUPPET FACE is the answer, at 50…it’s ok….at 20 it’s stupid…just a pure rot, expiration date passed situation, where she looks like a career pool hall waitress in a State where you can still smoke inside…rough..

Posted in:Jennifer Aniston