I'll Make You Famous…




Halle Berry Topless of the Day

I don’t think Halle Berry could have posted a more boring topless picture, it’s like if you’re that bored that you need to create some high concept or “artistic” looking photo for your instagram like some thirsty slut who thinks she’s hot enough to be famous for being hot, despite being Halle Berry, someone too old to have social media and the mere fact that she has social media, is proof of how desperate for attention she is, knowing that people will only hire her if she’s relevant and they based relevance on social media and not on the fact that she’s HALLE BERRY.

I find the whole move of hollywood starlets on social media shameless, pathetic, beneath them…not because I think celebrities are the every amazing creator above all of us peasants….looking down on us while giving us something to look up to…

I find celebrities bullshit lies, a marketing scam, with nothing actually interesting going on in their lives…they are boring, uninspiring, and often times barely even hot…it’s all just marketing at its finest….

That said, I do think that there should be a line in the sand of “we are celebrities” you are “internet celebrities”….we don’t meddle on each other’s turf…but these greedy fucks see the money coming into social media and are like “let’s appropriate that like Bella Thorne appropriates sex workers, because we can get some of that money, and let them all go back to being the peasants, since we’re professionals”….

What I am saying is that if bitch is going to do the topless pic for instagram do it right you fucking loser…


Posted in:Halle Berry