Is this Hungarian making you Hungry, because she’s a half naked Victoria’s Secret model posing in her underwear for social media, since social media is the new media or whatever….a place where girls can get half naked and sell shit like they were a beer ad in the 80s before beer ads were forced to remove sexuality from their strategy because it was seen as misogynistic, so that girls could reclaim their sexuality and start posting their own sexualized content themselves, to ensure that sex still sells and will always sells, but when a girl does it herself it’s ok..
It is safe to assume that Victoria’s Secret is still paying some of their girls. I recently heard they were going bankrupt because they sold off the brand because it was struggling, the woke generation doesn’t like their level of exclusivity of trying to make it an accomplishment or a status to be a VS model, when they feel anyone and their dad dressed like a woman should be eligible for the title because nothing is exclusive anymore, except basically everything that involves any level of money, including but not limited to traveling on private jets, where’s my private jet, how unfair life is that we aren’t all assigned private jets, while Amazon probably has a fleet of 1000 jets…how unfair…let’s try to change that some bitches are hotter than other bitches, like some people are richer than other people, and that we aren’t all the fucking same, worthy of the same reward for existing, some people just do life better….fuckers.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin