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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin Wears Lingerie to Events of the Day

Barbara Palvin is working her way back into the fashion industry because she’s some sort of model.

She came into our lives when she was 18 and brought here from Hungary to be a Victoria’s Secret model….

Oh the stories that immigrant child in a new country working for “Big Underwear” could probably tell us in the event she’s learned how to speak english yet.

You’d think there are many women in Hungary or all of Eastern Europe who are keen on fighting her way to the top of the VS panty mound….

They’d do ANYTHING for that shit, yet this is who they chose…makes you wonder….doesn’t it…


Anyway, in being fashion at fashion events and from a lingerie modeling background, she’s wearing lingerie to these events and looking pretty alright…

Except for the fact she has no nipple, she may want to get that checked out.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin in White of the Day

You may remember the Chris DeBurgh song “Lady in Red” because it was a crowd favorite in the 80s, you couldn’t escape that shit, and women everywhere would wear red in hopes the song would come up at the bar they were at so that their drunken excitement could really shine when they screamed “I AM THE LADY IN RED, LOOK I AM IN RED”….they wore red to weddings, birthdays, bar mitzvah’s anywhere that song could be played all so they could be the center of attention, the focal point, involved in the moment…you know typical girl things..

I prefer ladies in white, because I can spot their fertility when they get their periods unexpectedly.

Barbara Palvin, a VS model is in white….check out those tits and NO period stains in sight….CLEAN…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Black and White Mysterious Titty Shoot of the Day

Barbara Palvin is wanting to look sophisticated and artistic as she fondles herself like a horny little slut, or a stripper pretending to be a horny little slut while trying to rook you into another song of your lapdance. Basic marketing.

The Hungarian is tapping into her communist roots, where they had no color until the fall of communism. Or maybe she’s like a hipster millennial trying to connect with old technology by using Black and White film or rather using a Black and White Filter on their digital photo because it makes it less shitty.

As someone who had a Black and White TV for the 80s, who has jerked of to Turner Classic Movies and not because Ted Turner’s fucking of Jane Fonda, but more the other sluts of an era gone by…..a bygone era….this Black and White high concept shoot may be cheesy, but with the right lens, it can also be highly erotic.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Skinny Legs for her Model Portfolio of the Day

Apparently, these are pictures from Barbara Palvin’s model agency that they use to seduce brands into hiring her for some jobs.

The truth is that she’s one of Victoria’s Secret’s girl and she has a celebrity based on that alone, the kind that can land her a billionaire like Miranda Kerr, a Jiu Jitsu coach like Gisele, a billionaire investor Kushner like Karlie Kloss, and all the other whores of Victoria’s Secret who have strategically positioned herself….even Palvin landed an actor from the SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY who she reportedly used to jerk off to while a teen in Hungarian on her communist 1950s TV tube television with a dream…

Anyway, she’s just playing the part to update her portfolio because she’s rich and has nothing better to do with her time…

Plus it’s an excuse to show off long legs in pantyhose and short skirts…


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Bikini Shoot of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the Hungarian model patsy that Victoria’s Secret used at her first fashion show when she was 18 and the fall guy for Miranda Kerr.

The PR team positioned the storyline to be that Palvin was fucking Bieber after the VS Fashion show, when it was really Miranda Kerr back when she was using Orlando Bloom to elevate her career, before she because the professional sugar baby to billionaire dudes, knowing that billionaires are as annoying as broke dudes, but are billionaires and busy.

Anyway, the brand used her, then dropped her for being too fat for them back when they had standards. She was never actually fat, just fat for model standards at the time, which only a few years later went out the fucking window for inclusivity and whiners of the internet who felt they should be models for just existing…..

Palvin was human trafficked to America for this shit and deserved more respect, not that I am defending fatties, I’m just saying she was hardly a fatty and the fatties they’ve celebrated since her are a spit in her face….even though you’d be into her spitting in your face…or your mouth you sick fuck….I am sure Palvin wasn’t into it at the time.

Anyway, with all fat shaming comes results, ether being less fat or suicide or more fat and off the grid….and clearly she chose less fat.

LOOK she’s in a bikini!

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin in her Bikini of the Day

They say that these Barbara Palvin pictures are straight from the instagram. I just went to her instagram and didn’t see them, so they were either deleted or my sources have lied to me and provided me with old Palvin content.

I will say that Palvin’s looking pretty good with her tits in her bikini, because that’s what tits do in bikinis, no matter what size they are.

She is the Victoria’s Secret relic, who was used by the brand to off-set and do damage control around Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber. At the time, they knew Beiber fucked a VS model, he was like 18, and they thought their new model at the time made the most sense, not the one married to Katy Perry’s husband. Kerr has gone onto game her way into the panties of Billionaires, so she’s alright….and clearly Palvin is alright….while Victoria’s Secret is not right….since they replaced all the hot pussy with pigs….when the world collectively wants hot pussy!

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s in Lingerie of the Day

Barbara Palvin is either married or soon to be married to one of the Sprouse twins from the Suite Life of a Zach and Cody. I don’t know if that means she used to watch the show and fantasize about making love to the twins from her war torn cold water flat in Hungary…..you know getting her bootleg feed from the Disney Channel or whatever that show was on from one of her Communist Spy friends who knew how to tap into the American satellites.

when she first dropped in American via Victoria’s Secret she was like 18 and they linked her to Justin Bieber, so I guess she’s always had a thing for the Teen Beat coverboys created by the industry…

Anyway, she is still in lingerie, all these years later and she’s looking less fat than she was when Victoria’s Secret dropped her for being plus sized, only to replace her with her friend Stella Maxwell….and I appreciate a classic bikini/underwear model still existing without rocking a boner, or chopping off her tits, or being 400 pounds and retarded or handicapped in this woke era…..just classic good looking half nakedness is all we need.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Nipple Pasty of the Day

Did you know that there was a time in celebrity nudity blogs, which this was and I guess still is, whether people visit the site or not, where the NIPPLE PASTY was the story of the fucking day.

I’d post whatever titty content I would get access to in a pre-social media era and it depended on celebs going on bikini vacations or going to random events with no underwear on….

We’d hope for tit slips, nip slips, pussy slips, ripped dresses, getting out of car flashes…it was a simpler time.

Now we’re in a society were girls are posting gangbang and fisting videos for fun…so the idea a nipple pasty would excite anyone is obviously unlikely….

But I still old onto the glory days, I am still a believer that if a girl has a nipple pasty visible through her fancy dress, it matters. It may not be real nipple, but the modesty of not wearing her real nipples out, almost make it hotter than real nipple, at least in this nipple flashing society of nipples everywhere you look….

Here’s to VS models fired for being too fat, when not even being fat, the way it was supposed to be, before VS models became actually fat.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Nipple of the Day

Here’s Hungarian Victoria’s Secret super star and patsy they pretended fucked Bieber when it was really another married model according to some pretty reliable sources….which was 100 fucking years ago but the only Palvin story I know…

I don’t know what this long hair shining and potentially puffy nippling breaking out from long hair picture is from, but I know it’s worth looking at.

I can’t tell if it’s a nipple pasty, or if that’s just the color and texture of her full size nip…I blame the black and white artistry of ruining a potential “what’s going on here with this titty”….

But I figure why overthink it, it’s a nipple in an era of a million nipples at your finger tip, what makes this nipple better is that it was once a Victoria’s Secret model when they used or recruited hot chicks, a better era for all of us, but we keep going on, what other choice do we have!

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Slutty Thong Pants of the Day

I am not sure, but I am pretty convinced, that this is the very same outfit that Barbara Palvin wore when the Human Traffickers they call “Model Agents” were digging through the streets of Budapest or whatever Hungarian city this babe is from, to launch her into our lives a few months after turning 18, through the most coveted company girls would KILL to work for, Victoria’s Secret, since they were forced to wait until models turn 18 to get them half naked, something they didn’t always stick to until they had to.

In this “are they pants or are they panties” viral game that should be a televised TV show hosted by Ellen or some other TV idiot, since regular TV seems to be where the worst primetime game shows go to dumb down society and like LATE NIGHT, could use a refresh….with “are they pants or are they panties”…..and regardless of the answer, we want to get in them either way……WE ARE ALL WINNERS even though we are losers.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin