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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin’s Hot Selfie of the Day

Barbara Palvin is doing some good fucking work…taking selfies like an 18 year old who isn’t in war torn eastern Europe, but rather reaping the benefits of being a million dollar earner in modelling, who can afford a smart phone…

I like that she’s letting us all know that despite possibly having sex with Bieber like she was Miranda Kerr…even though she was just the exit strategy or the PR spin on that Miranda Kerr story to divert people from knowing that Miranda Kerr sleeps around…with adult 12 year old pop stars….because putting the new Hungarian 18 year old at the scene of the crime just makes more sense for the public to accept while keeping Victoria’s Secret clean image, as clean as it can be…so the Christians don’t start protesting these smut peddlers and just accept them as underwear producers, since we all need fucking underwear….she’s still kinda hot…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Suggestive Teenage Lingerie Pics of the Day

I have a hard time calling Victoria’s Secret lingerie, because it’s more the kind of mass produced underwear that is shaped like lingerie, but made to give a bitch a yeast infection. You know straight up low grade shit mass produced in sweatshops around the third world to allow the company to have cheap as fuck product that they can pretend is worth 50 dollars…so that they can get a dozen hot as fuck models on million dollar a year payroll….you know how these things work…and that is find the third world model when she’s 17, get her half naked at 18, and by 19…get her in your sluttier collection, the collection fat moms buy to surprise their husband on their anniversary, even though the only surprise their husband really wants is a call from the police letting them know bitch died in a horrible accident…or the option to fuck other girls…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Crotch Shot for an Ad of the Day

Nothing says “I’m an eager young model from a third world ex-soviet war torn country trying to get ahead so that I don’t have to wait in line for rationed bread anymore…or worst…be traded on the international human trafficking sex trade market” quite like doing a high kick in a bikini bottom..spreading your vagina…underneath thin fast drying bathing suit bottoms…I mean the kind of position they’d have us thinking Justin Bieber had her in when giving her an amateur gyno exam with his tongue…before realizing we all know Beiber’s gay.

I like this campaign and will buy 3 of whatever they are selling.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

How about some Victoria’s Secret photoshopped nipples lingerie pics of some Hungarian girl who escaped the illegal human trafficking trade to end up inside Justin Bieber with a strap on back when he and Selena were going through a rough patch…

I don’t think she’s all that special, she looks big and better equipped to be in a circus or do whatever else it is Hungarians do, wrestle bears, make cured meat…but Victoria’s Secret thinks she is and they are the boss of hotness…at least that’s what they are trying to make you believe…evil brainwashing corporation with their half naked girls…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin in a Bikini for Jason Lee Perry of the Day

I may not think Barbara Palvin is all that great, but it turns out, I appreciate staring at pics of her in a bikini, which may not be saying much for Barbara Palvin since I’ll watch any and all girls in a fucking bikini provided they have a vagina, which is actually even optional requirement, because with a proper tuck job, like they were Gisele Bundchen, and a tight body with decent tits, I can be fooled…in an out of sight out of mind situation.

That’s not to say Palvin has a cock, even though it is assumed she did considering she was rumoured to have sex with Beiber and cock is the only way for him, but it is to say if she did, I’d probably still be trying to get a boner for her hot little body, that in person is probably a big body, because that’s just the kind of guy I am.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Victoria’s Secret 2013 Work of the Day

Barbara Palvin isn’t all that hot, I mean she’s 19 and half naked, what 19 an half naked chick do you know wouldn’t be worthy of jerking off to, especially if you’ve committed your life to one woman who is pushing 50 and all you’ve seen is the neglect that she’s had for herself all these years…cellulite ridden and loose stomached…blaming you for it and guilting you for it…cuz she had your kids for you and now you owe her….even though you know if it wasn’t you, it’d be some other asshole, and you wish it was, so you could be free to spend your 60,000 dollars a year seducing 19 year olds who are happy getting a free Subway sandwich on a date, rather than the 21 year olds who know how to take a dude for a ride….

The only moment of peace you have is when you get to stare at your daughter’s friends in their bikinis…

Now I may be confused how this Palvin went from Hungarian to top model, when normally there are a few human trafficking stops in between, but I’ll post her Victoria’s Secret 2013 work anyway, cuz she’s half naked and 19 and that’s good enough for me.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Glamour Italy of the Day

19 year old model Barbara Palvin …who you may remember as some girl who Victoria’s Secret decided to pretend Bieber cheated on Selena Gomez on with, because it got her in the media and made her count…without realizing Bieber fans hate girls who sleep with Bieber…

Her story confuses me, I mean she’s from Hungary…she was discovered at 13…and is now a top model..working for big brands and magazines…

All while most girls from ex-communist countries who are found at 13 end up doing cam shows in dungeons..when not being human trafficked, but I guess there’s more money in it when you use the tall ones for mainstream work…

All while there are equally hot girls in New York city alone who haven’t hit this level of fame…I mean who don’t even have an agency..

Seems pretty suspicious to me, and while I don’t bother researching or investigating this cuz I got better shit to do, you can stare at her in a bikini….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Nip Slip of the Day

Barbara Palvin the overrated model from Eastern Europe who is 19 and her success remains a total fucking mystery, had a nipple slip.

I don’t know when and I don’t know where, I just know the pic was emailed to me, so it happened.

It’s not jerk off material, but nipples are better than no nipples, just ask Angelina Jolie, she’s had both, and despite what she tells you. I choose nipples.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin|NSFW




Barbara Palvin Hot for El Pais Semanal of the Day

I think it is safe to say that 19 year old Hungarian model, who miraculously, isn’t working at a dairy farm in Hungary like you’d expect most 19 year old Hungarians to be doing, but is instead an international model, is looking her best in these pics….

I don’t know what “El Pais Semanal” is, I just know they took an otherwise uneventful looking girl, who has managed international modelling success for whatever reason, and slut her out proper.

This is by far the best we’ve seen her, and for that we must celebrate….not that we wouldn’t celebrate if she was in a fucking snow suit, the whole fact she’s 19, for perverts like us, makes her worth a fuck, even if she was 50 pounds heavier and missing teeth…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Modeling Wedding Dresses of the Day

The only time a bride is erotic – is when she’s not your bride, because when she is your bride, even when beautiful and looking her best, thanks to her year of fitness for this day, all you see is prison stripes…

So when the bride is your friends bride, who you figure you’ll try to get some alone time with to make into a bad wife on day one, something that I would be into, just to prove the sanctitude of marriage is a whole lot of shit, you know to help alleviate some of the pressure of “til death do us part”….

Or when she’s some 18 year old famous model from Eastern Europe, modelling wedding dresses like high school girls playing dress-up…

It is as close bride fetish porn without being bride fetish porn…and I am into that.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin