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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin Topless for Marie Claire Italia of the Day

Here are some pictures for Marie Claire Italia of Barbara Palvin, the same Barbara Palvin who fucks black basketball players, but who pretended to fuck Justin Bieber, when Bieber was fucking Miranda Kerr, because it made for a good story to propel her young career, while covering up for the evil underwear empire at Victoria’s Secret….not that it matters…

What matters is these pics I like to call showing the world how you should not post topless if you’re going to go all the way as getting topless…especially considering it is for soem Euro magazine…it’s like how did this fail get approved…WE NEED NIPPLES FOR IT TO BE FASHION DAMMIT.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Topless for Madame Figaro of the Day

Barbara Palvin is naked for Madame Figaro….

She’s a Hungarian 20 year old…so I guess she’s lucky to be in this fashion story, instead of the live webcam streaming site most 20 year olds from Hungary are getting naked on….

I think she looks good….enough…I mean if you’re going to get naked, this implied nonsense is just nonsense. We are in an era where spread legged vagina shots are considered fashion not porn. Larry Flynt got shot in the back for that right…and anytime a naked girl isn’t shot spread eagled…the world is shitting on his martyrdom…

I don’t know what I am saying, the fact is that these pictures don’t give me a boner, but i guess nothing really does…the internet has desensitized me…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Sucking Popsicles for Guy Aroch of the Day

There were once rumours that Barbara Palvin was dating Bieber, when she did her first Victoria’s Secret Fashion show at 18, because Victoria’s Secret wanted to cover up the fact that the model who actually banged Bieber was Miranda Kerr, married mom on the gold digger program – with clearly and present perversion…it was bad for the brand…

But I’ve heard that Barbara Palvin is more into the black dudes, the pro athletes…and really I don’t even know why I know that, it’s not like I keep track of 21 year old Hungarian models…I just like them when they are naked…or half naked…or I guess channelling the 70s sucking popsicles…because it reminds me of a simpler time…I’m just bummed that when doing this 70s shoot, no bush was exposed in the process, because bush is the most important thing that happened int he 70s, at least according to me, who can’t even look at a vagina – unless it is wearing a furry pubic hair hat….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for David Bellemere of the Day

I think these are old pics of Barbara Palvin – but who really fucking cares – they are still some young, but not illegally young, even though she probably started her modelling when illegally young, and likely even showed tits when she was illegally young, before being exported by her Eastern European country to Los Angeles to live the Hollywood life…

Now I have heard from a few people who know her, who have partied with her, and who are “friends” with her, that she just takes a good picture. In person she’s a bit of big and scary monster – who only fucks black dudes…and not Biebers she was marketed as fucking…when Victoria’s Secret first imported her and wanted to make their money on her…

ANyway – David Bellemere is one of the better photographers out there. I dig this, even if old.

Throwback Tuesday Motherfuckers…we always 48 hours ahead in this motherfucker.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin is Fun of the Day

Everyone is talking about 18 or 19 year old Barbara Palvin, like this was 2 years ago and she was caught up in a bullshit scandal…

I’m more interested in her modelling

She obviously takes a good picture, which would explain why she gets paid heavy and why someone would import from Hungary like she was your grandmother’s goulash recipe…back during the second world war…because the Hungarian prostitute ring comes in various forms, from the low level “model” I met at a Miami bikini contest and who was in America on a 3 month tourist visa, which she felt was enough time to find a sugar daddy, to Palvin, who rolls with hip hop stars and athletes, because she’s into black like that…

I guess not everyone has the same fate…and instead of being in a cold water flat back home, she’s in Cannes red carpet hustling…being all fun and hot enough…even though I’ve been told she’s not hot in person…and only takes a good picture…all barefoot and orphan-like…


Oh Shit…I think she’s had work done…

She’s got a Belly!! Getting Fat for her Brothers…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin in Harper’s while Bieber Tries to Grind Lima of the Day

I know people who know Barbara Palvin…the straight from Hungary to stealing American jobs like she was a Chinese Factory filled with cheap labor..and they say she’s nothing special, just an average looking girl, who likes black dudes and the hip hop ratchet life, modelling because people pay her lots of money to do it…

Her claim to fame was when she was used as a patsy to cover up for Miranda Kerr when Miranda Kerr fucked Bieber after the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show two years ago, something that was equally twisted as it was perverted, at least on Miranda Kerr’s end, because fucking Bieber is like molesting a child…even if he’s rumoured to have a 10 inch penis…

Where as fucking a model, when you’re Just Bieber, just makes sense, because he’s worth 100 million dollars, and that’s what models like…unless that model is Adriana Lima, where she rejected his advances last night…huge story…


Anyway, Palvin is being marketed pretty hard, working a lot and here she is in Harper’s Bazaar…and she takes a pretty good picture…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin “O-Face” for Miles Aldridge of the Day

Barbara Palvin is making orgasm faces and biting bed sheets for Lily Adridge’s brother, because she’s demonstrating what Bieber didn’t do to her.

You she she was the model who was marketed as fucking Bieber, when really Miranda Kerr fucked Bieber, after the Victoria’s Secret show two years ago.

She was just 18, and it was better for the brand to throw her name out there as the slut, rather than one of their key players…if anything it helped her career as all the Bieleber’s slandered her…

And the fascinating thing in all this is that they had been scouting her in Hungary since she was 17, casting couching a minor, like a good corporation would, because when it is fashion based, it’s not sex offending, but rather socially acceptable, which I guess is kinda weird…at least if you ask my neighbor who got arrested for casting couching 17 year olds a few years ago..

All this to say, I like these pics.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Marie Claire Italy Nakedness of the Day

Barbara Palvin is possibly best known for being the Hungarian tween who Victoria’s Secret used the day she turned 18 like they were a porn producer, eager to get young pussy half naked….

They also took advantage of her and used her as the patsy to the Justin Bieber fucking Miranda Kerr story, that happened 2 years ago, you know to distract from the fact that Miranda Kerr, an old married brand ambassador

Now she’s naked for Marie Claire Italy…not showing Labia, because this is artsy bullshit not porn you pink lip seekers…

And I think she looks lovely…and I am starting to understand why she’s managed to crawl out of eastern Europe to be all internationally famous, rather than being a stripper or mail order bride…and that is because she’s tall.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Heroin Dance for Jason Lee Parry of the Day

This is probably the best thing I’ve ever seen at least coming from some model who was the patsy in a Justin Bieber Sex Scandal.

She’s shooting for the homie Jason Lee Parry, who is the next Terry Richardson, in terms of being famous for taking pics of babes, and not for cumming on random girls faces…and this is some Behind the Scenes hustle, that makes me realize that models can be funny and aren’t always vapid, useless, famewhores with no souls…

Here are some pics of an unrelated shoot of her, cuz she’s nice.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Twin Set Lingerie of the Day

If you don’t remember Barbara Palvin, she was the patsy in the Miranda Kerr / Justin Bieber sex scandal that happened when she first walked the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, you know freshly imported from Hungary, and used by the company to divert attention away from the fact that their star Miranda Kerr, like Woody Allen, is a pedophile…because I don’t care how big Bieber’s penis is rumoured to be, the dude looks 11…and the fact that she fucked him is twisted as fuck…and to me justifies why she’s been fired and divorced, forced into the workforce, pounding the pavement like it was a 12 year old boy, unable to find any work…

While Barbara Palvin continues to look lovely in lingerie campaigns, as lingerie models do….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin