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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin is Boring in Underwear for L’Officiel Turkey of the Day

Barbara Palvin is overrated. I don’t mind her but for some reason she just looks like a big Eastern European chick who could beat the fuck out of me, even if all models are massively tall freaks who in person cause fear in those near by, you know giants with good features that can take a decent pic, but that when not in pictures are freaks, well paid freaks who probably don’t realize they are freaks, cuz they get paid so well and are celebrated by the world who also don’t realize they are freaks, but instead makethem think that they are what girls are supposed to look like, while giving regular girls insecurities and a complex, leading to them being more willing to have sex with me, making me like models just the way they are….because indirectly, they get me laid….

Here are some pics of her for some Turkish magazine shit…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Behind the Scenes Lingerie Pics of the Day

I guess this Victoria’s Secret recruited 18 year old from a Eastern European country, that I can only assume is part of the human trafficking trade, because how else does an 18 year old girl from an Eastern European country end up in America working for top brands….I mean all the Eastern European girls I know are on webcam sites hiding their bruises while being watched by their handlers so they don’t cry for help…..

Whatever the reason for Barbara Palvin, she’s here, she’s not all that hot, she’s modeling for Intimissimi Lingerie, because I guess Victoria’s Secret likes to share her, you know lend her to other companies, to build her resume and portfolio and fanbase, before locking her down, and these are the behind the scenes pics. Inspiring. I know.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Terry Richardson of the Day

There was a time when Terry Richardson would get crackhead models to do crackhead things that usually involved his penis at the worst, or their vaginas at the best….meaning he built a career on being this pervert, modeling fucking, cool guy, smut peddler who knew the right people…but now when he gets models, even the 18 year old eager ones he normally would have had spread eagled, he just gets them to show their un-toned bellies, instead of hipster bush, trying to impress and he masterminds the bitches…what a bummer. He’s been ruined by corporate clients who frown upon the softcore porn that was spun as art that made this guy….it’s all about the money. There comes a time we all need to sell out.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Boring for L’Officiel of the Day

These may not be the hottest pics of Victoria’s Secret newcomer, who they are marketing hard, and putting out there as much as they can, because they bought her for cheap from whatever Eastern European country they scooped her 18 year old ass up at. You know, from throwing her into a Bieber scandal, to getting her half naked at a really young age, they are milking her hard, but not hard enough for her to be showing her nipples for a French mag that usually shows nipple. I guess they aren’t ready to fully exploit her yet, you know they are pretty much marketing geniuses over there, they know the perfect amount of exposure to give a bitch. They did it for Swanepoel and they’ll do it for this one….it is a formula that I know there’s some serious underbelly behind, but instead I’ll just look at this babe’s belly, and cleavage, because that’s more interesting than billion dollar companies and their woman trafficking scandals.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin and Ashley Hart Model Bikinis of the Day

Here are a couple of pictures of Victoria’s Secret teen model Barbara Palvin and Ashley Hart, who I think has Paris Hilton Herpes via her fiance Stavros Niacharos or whatever the fuck that billionaire greek shipping heir who I snap chat daily thanks to having his phone number’s last name is.

This could be better, provided there was more fisting.

But I take what I can get….and you know what they aren’t that bad.

Posted in:Ashley Hart|Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Lookin’ Like a Crackwhore for Fashion of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the 18 year old Hungarian model who is signed to Victoria’s Secret like some kind of sex worker who just turned legal and was sold off to the suitor with the deepest pockets, but luckily her contract isn’t exclusive, and she gets to venture out into fashion and explore editorial shots like this one, that speaks to me, because she looks like either some gutter street kid under the bridge after a punk show, willing to suck dick for some heroin….and a trailer park, white trash wife who strips and sucks dick to pay for the cans of soup for the kids she neglects at home, and both are fetishes of mine…making this a winning fucking shoot!

To See Some Pics of Barbara Palvin At Australia Fashion Week – That Aren’t As Hot as her Crackwhore for Fashion Look – But Still Hot

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for REPLAY of the Day

There comes a time in every 19 year old Lingerie Model working for the evil lingerie empire’s life….where her management and their marketing team put her on as many high profile campaigns as possible….whether that campaign is pretending to bang Justin Bieber for TMZ…in efforts to help his homosexuality stay covered up…..or now this fully clothed campaign for Replay…it is just all about her getting media hits…increasing her brand equity….and making her matter….now all she needs is a relationship with an A-Lister like she was most of the other Victoria’s Secret girls and in turn we’ll be stuck with her posing half naked the next decade like she was Heidi Klum…something I can probably deal with since I have nothing else going on…you know easy to fit in my schedule…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin is Boring in the March Glamour UK of the Day

Barbara Palvin is on the Victoria’s Secret major push…you know they cast her last year and all of a sudden a day doesn’t go by without seeing pics of her…they have her in the grind….cuz the more exposure she gets…the more celebrity she gets….the more longevity she gets…and the more likely she’ll be the rookie who takes over the glory of the Veteran….as all the other Victoria’s Secret girls are pushing 30….and it will be time for them to follow Heidi Klum into old lady obscurity…giving this string a chance for the glory…it’s the circle of Victoria’s Secret life…and as long as there is pussy being born…they’ll be ready for it….

That said, they should try to get some better pics of her body when they get her in magazines…I mean I don’t need to see her hair and face…I want ass and titties people….


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Is Hot for Elle March 2013 of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the tall and luxurious heavily marketed 19 year old new blood that has only been getting her period for less than 5 years….making her relatively fresh compared to the other women Victoria’s Secret has been using…I guess she’s their rookie, their new Alessandra, the replacement pussy to pussy that has gone droopy and old……she’s ready to take it on…with all her Hungarian communist sausage eating ability…and I am ready to watch…cuz in pictures…when done up right….she’s fucking hot…

Here she is in Elle….making a name for herself…thanks to Victoria Secret….who need her to be a star…in order to sell more panties…cuz all the world needs is more panties….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Terrry Richardson of the Day

It’s official – Barbara Palvin annoys me and not because she’s had sex with Justin Bieber…Something I don’t believe because she has a vagina and isn’t a 40 year old back dude who thinks he is Michael Jackson named Usher….but because she’s acting all playful, making stupid faces like some kind of idiot, while not looking cute at all, and just looking annoying…the kind of girl you’d likely want to punch in the face at least in theory if you were forced to sit at a dinner with her…and her ADD hyper activity stupidity that wasn’t even cute when she was 5….it’s like girl, act like a lady….or like a slut…but whatever this in between is just fuckin’ weak

Posted in:Barbara Palvin