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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the DAy

Barbara Palvin is some 12 year old model who I assume is 18 by now, but who might as well be 12, because I’m old as fuck and so are you, and jerking off to a barely legal is some creepy shit that we all have to undertake cuz it is in our genetic code to want the youngest, hottest, most fertile, fittest, bustiest girl….cuz back when we were cave men…there was no age of consent, we just took what we wanted….just another example of how society is breaking us down with our own man made rules…

That said, Barbara Palvin is an immigrant, is a teen, is spectacular….but the reason she’s top of her game just doesn’t make sense to me, cuz at 18 I wasn’t working for huge corporations….and I was living in America…so for some immigrant to make it this far at this tender age…I can only assume questionable behavior was involved and that makes her all the more erotic.

here she is in a bra – making moves…


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin is Amazing for Fashion Issue of the Day

Barbara Palvin is a model and she’s awesome. She’s 18. She’s already booked shit like Victoria’s Secret and she’s from some third World communist war torn country….making me wonder how at 18 she has already come so far and with so many girls competing with her….leading me to think the modeling world is fully mafia run and corrupt….cuz when I was 18 I wasn’t making millions in other countries…I was too busy jerking off for that….something I’ve never stopped being too busy doing….and that I may or may be doing right now…to some 18 year old Hungarian model fully clothed in pictures….here are the pics.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Barbara Palvin is a hot model who has a very questionable past that makes her a lot hotter…..

She is on 18 years old….and to make her success pretty fucking insane…she is also from Budapest the premiere human trafficking Russian Mob run sex trade hub around…

I mean to be a model for Victoria’s Secret at 25 after 8 years in the Game, living in New York and doing big campaigns is rare enough, but this 18 year old from a place they may not even have running water, is working for Victoria’s Secret lingerie….seems pretty fucking criminal…..I just have no proof.

I have checked her WIKIPEDIA, which is the extent of my spying, unless she left her bedroom blinds open, in which case, I’d be up in trees watching, but that’s just cuz I’m a peeping tom and has nothng to do with me really grasping how these international models are scooped up and imported, unless shit is run through some sort of organized crime ring.

Not that any of that matters, nor does her working as at 13, even thought that is called pedophilia outside of the fashion world…cuz here she is looking hot in lingerie, and that alone are the blinders that make all ok.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin In Victoria’s Secret Racier Collection of the Day

I am sure it didn’t take a genius….or that much market research to come to the conclusion that photoshopping out nipples is weird, misrepresentative of the product, and hard to jerk off to….even the Sears Catalog in the 70s had fucking nipple in it, why the fuck would we regress and go more Christian….like shit even the 1920s were more fun than our shitty conservative fucking lives and those people actually feared God and didn’t realize it was actually fucking Aliens….

Finally. I’ve been telling the idiots at Victoria’s Secret to step it up, modernize, stop playing safe, sure they never listened, but that’s only because they don’t know I exist, but I like to think that I have touched them indirectly, like I have touched so many of you and here are the pics…of Barbara Palvin….a hot fucking model…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Turning Me On in Some Photoshoot of the Day

Barbara Palvin is an Eastern European model who was born in October 8, 1993 – That means she is 17 for 1 more week, so take in these pictures of her stripped down to her panties for Elle Hungary, because in America, 17 year olds in panties, unless they work for Victoria’s Secret in the 90s, are illegal, where as in Eastern Europe they are prime to be mail order, or at least to be human trafficked because they know what’s up…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Samantha Gradoville and Barbara Palvin Hot for Numero of the Day

Here are some models I’ve never heard of, but who are making the right moves, but getting half naked, or half topless, or just showing off their busty tits, in order to stand out amongst the millions of other hot, busty tits, that have the same career goals, but less willingness to be whores…

You know the hustle, you gotta eat shit to get to the top, and when you’re a model, eating shit is luckily showing tit, or doing those shoots you probably wouldn’t have done when asked in High School if you’d ever pose naked…

I really don’t have to get into it….cuz I just don’t…It’s my site and I’ve written more than enough the last 6 years for an illiterate to last an illiterate lifetime…Seriously, this site should just be pics and videos, this shit gets in way….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|Samantha Gradoville