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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin Nipple For Vogue Spain from 2012 of the Day

I have been writing about Barbara Palvin since she was 12…I was a first mover on this Hungarian model…and now everyone is following my lead…that was only a lead…cuz she did shoots for substantial magazines…giving me the opportunity to notice she existed before Justin Bieber did…cuz my life involves looking at pics of girls…rather than fucking groupies who throw panties at me on stage….while my mom masturbates in the corner with rolls of money she made by making me….

You see nothing much is worse that taking credit for something you have nothing to do with…except when it gets you laid…and sure posting these 2012 pics of Barbara Palvin nipples Justin Bieber was rumored to cum on….8 months before he came on them….won’t get me laid…but either does leaving the house….or paying girls…so who gives a fuck….

Here are the pics….


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Fun Valentine’s Day Instagram Pic of the Day

Barbara Palvin posted these Victoria’s Secret Valentine’s Day pics to instagram earlier this morning…and I woke up to them…and though…as much as I hate Victoria’s Secret for not giving me money to promote their women…cuz pics of half naked girls is not my kind of currency…although it is a decent hobby….and as much as I hate standardized catalog pics even when they are of girls in lingerie….and as much as Barbara Palvin is a lot of Hungarian hype….thanks to Bieber….and PR Teams….cuz we all know the only Hungarian he likes is Salami Usher violates him with as payment for giving him all his dreams…….she looks pretty fucking good half naked….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Cosmo Hungary of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the heavily marketed 19 year old Victoria’s Secret model they kidnapped from Hungary with a promise of the American dream, a green card, and that they won’t kill off her family provided she delivers the half nakedness on camera….at least that’s how I like to think their world works…and evil underbelly of trading tits…

She’s posing for her local Cosmo…looking all tall and elegant and lovely….like someone who’s really made it and who we’ve been watching make it from the start….and I’m not just saying that cuz Bieber had sex with her….cuz I don’t believe Beiber has sex with girl….or cuz she’s lead Selena Gomez to badly sing what she probably considers an oldie “Cry me a River – By Justin Timberlake”….in what I like to think of as a continuation of them toying with the youth of America…pretending that their was actually something more than a marketing plan behind their teen love…

Whether it is real or not…this Palvin Character is a solid upgrade….and I am glad she’s part of it….cuz it means we get to look at more of her….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Boring for Terry Richardson of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the next big thing for Victoria’s Secret to reach the younger crowd, because she’s only 18….and not fat like Kate Upton…because Victoria’s Secret know….leave that other porker for the Men’s Magazines and SI….let’s keep our models fit as fuck….

They’re putting alot of muscle into her…and I don’t really understand how some young thing from Eastern Europe was discovered when everyone I know at 18 is popping pimples and doing Molly at house parties…but she was found…and they have already leaked a few scandals…which is leading to her getting work….and shooting with people like Terry RIchardson….who went ahead and posted these on his blog for me to steal and share with you…even though he’s supposed to be an amateur porn photographer….who pretends he’s a fashion photographer…and these aren’t porn at all..but I’ll still look at them…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Not Impressive in a Bikini of the Day

I hate to be a hater…actually I don’t hate being a hater at all..cuz the basis of my existence is hating…in as nice a way as possible…but this 18 year old Victoria’s Secret model who has been getting a ton of hype…from walking her first show…to banging Beiber all while confusing me as to where the evil geniuses at Victoria’s Secret even find a teen model to get in their lingerie…and now disappointing me with her bikini body that at 18 is not toned enough for my liking….or busty enough for those hips that can’t lie cuz they are too big…bt I guess at 18 she’s not done growing and this is just her awkward stage…..cuz here she is in a bikini…after what looks like a few too many Christmas dinners / fruitcakes…you know Kate Upton’s diet….cuz it works for Kate Upton….right?!

For the record…to prevent hateful emails on this glorious XMAS Day…i realize she’s still a hot 18 year old…I just don’t buy into the hype…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Tits for Instagram in a Bikini of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the potential pussy that broke the Justin Beiber and Selena Union sent from heaven, or more likely, publicist and management heaven, cuz it gave people something to talk about…you know her sex offending molesting little boys…and his pretending to not be gay…in some American love story that was as fabricated as all American love stories..and that ended with these 18 year old Hungarian bikini and lingerie model tits…for beiber (right) and Mia Farrow / Woody Allen’s 25 year old boy genius son for Gomez…

The lies from all angles….hurt me…but luckily young tits make em better.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Victoria’s Secret Holiday Campaign of the Day

Victoria’s Secret have got me from the fucking balls….they have made their models celebrities…so that everytime one of them tweets some cleavage, I jump like it is news….they have set themselves up that every photoshoot they go on has paparazzi there to cover it….and that every catalog they put out….the pics get released to…all in efforts to make all of us continuously talk about them…and the international pussy they recruit….and everytime I post on these evil corporate assholes…I know exactly what I am doing…I am buying into their strategy like a mindless idiot…but the tits…and the girls…is just too good to ignore…

Here’s their holiday push….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin|Candice Swanepoel|Miranda Kerr




Barbara Palvin is Bieber’s New Fake GF of the Day


The latest in Beiber fake relationships because has to be gay….is that his new girlfriend is the 18 year old young blood Victoria’s Secret is trying to make famous…. Barbara Palvin ….

Now, I’ve been following her instagram for a few months now…and prior to her becoming a huge fucking deal…back when she only had one VS shoot in her garter belt…she was posting non stop pics of her and her little local BF…who I guess was her high school sweetheart…but like all fame whores who become famous…you gotta leave that in the past…and jump on opportunities like banging your favorite pop star now that you have access…and the whole thing is all controlled by their management cuz they all want as much exposure as possible…when all I want is for her to expose more of her genitals…

It is all lies…bullshit…and it doesn’t matter…its’ just another excuse to post a bikini and lingerie model in her teens…cuz I don’t care who she is fucking for fame….or cuz of her model fame…I just care that she’s fucking….

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Barbara Palvin is 18…..and she’s the future of Victoria’s Secret….making me wonder where these Victoria’s Secret scouts look for new pussy to get half naked the day it turns 18….but I assume it’s in the school yard…or even in their Eastern European training camp head quarters where these immigrant bitches are bred to be stars…with diet, fitness, and awesome tans….ready to give husbands lingerie catalog masturbation fodder…and you know what…it works for me…cuz when I try to trick 18 year olds to get naked….it’s way less effective than Victoria’s Secret’s moves…more proof that being an evil corporation is awesome…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Equestrian Model of the Day

Barbara Palvin is a pretty popular up and coming mode who is barely 18 and already making huge fucking moves as the next immigrant robbed from her ethnic country to work for the billion dollar Victoria’s Secret corporation in exchange for fame, money and promises of the American dream…..

She was shot doing some Equestrian bullshit, and I figure that’s gotta be a fetish to some of you, you know where you fantasize about being the failed jockey hired stage hand for her manor, where her massive model body that’s probably pushing 6 feet man handles you as you’re cleaning the stable….or maybe it’s just me….I like girls with horses….even when they aren’t getting fucked by horses…or even naked….so I’m posting the pics anyway…

Posted in:Barbara Palvin