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Archive for the Barbara Palvin Category




Barbara Palvin Bodysuit of the Day

Barbara Palvin is the hot A-List Hungarian model that should make you hungary for Hungarian Model ass, even when it is unshowered / especially when it is unshowered.

In this series featuring the once Victoria’s Secret girl, who was literally a girl when they first launched her, basically freshly 18 and already trained to play on the runway and at photoshoots in her underwear with other high paid bitches, I wonder how that worked out for her, probably alright since we’re still looking at her full tit in this tight bodysuit that does wonders as it touches the pussy, asshole an tits at the same time.

I guess there was that set back before fat chicks were loud enough to make brands blacklist and alienate skinny chicks, in efforts to seem inclusive and good, when we all know any massive corporation is the fucking worst for profit despite what it may do to the environment or the people they work with…so their attempt to be woke is pretty fucking obvious…they just do what they do for money…..

But there was a time before hiring fat chicks, where she was too fat, replaced with a lesbian named Stella Maxwell, giving her something to work towards, which I guess she’s pulled off and she’s looking hot right here, all that human trafficking and mental abuse from the people who brought her over has positioned her nicely for the next phase of her getting half naked for the people…a little abuse from your employer can go a long way I guess…


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Booty of the Day

I don’t know what this GIF of Barbara Palvin’s ass is from. It’s not like documenting Hungarian models branded by Victoria’s Secret is my job or anything….

I don’t know why it looks like one of those awkward pregnancy boudoir shoots normies who are knocked up seem to love getting done, just a topless man with his topless pregnant woman, being shot by some bootleg wedding photographer, as some sort of high concept you can buy at Walmart…you know the vibe…but its probably because it looks like she’s bloated, maybe too many carbonated drinks, maybe a Gluten issue, maybe a fat gunt that got her fired from Victoria’s Secret when they used to shun the fatties and had standards….look at the last frame if you don’t know what I am talking about.

I don’t know who the weird cult members in black dancing around her are, probably satanic ritual shit, you don’t get to America from Hungary without some tradeoffs, like selling your soul…..

I don’t know what her scars on her back are…movie make-up, or lashings from the Eyes Wide Shut sex party for the people into top models….or maybe it’s some acid burn from an angry father in her conservative home after finding out she gets naked for money….lots and lots of money.

I just know I don’t mind staring at it.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Bra of the Day

Barbara Palvin’s the Hot Hungarian who was definitely not human trafficked when she was underage, it’s called modelling and that’s just how that industry works, it’s just totally normal that a non-English speaking 17 year old from Hungary ends up working for Victoria’s Secret soon after her 18th birthday.

They’d never use Victoria’s Secret to put them on the map so that they get a taste of the good life and never expose the casting team who put her on the map at 18 for being creeps, assuming they were creeps, which I’m not….but Epstein definitely didn’t help them make a case that they weren’t.

Just Kidding!

She’s in the grass, in a sports bra, looking fitter than she did when VS dropped her for being plus sized, before actual plus sized girls polluted the model industry, only to bring her back because she’s got great tits.

This is the kind of thing you’d probably want to see in the park, maybe even masturbate to in the park while hiding behind a trash can or picnic table, I don’t know how you do it, I’m just sure that you do it.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Tits of the Day

This is a pretty creepy energy shoot from Barbara Palvin who was recruited by Victoria’s Secret basically on her 18th birthday from some Eastern European country, so you know that she was not involved in any weirdness from rich creepy people…OBVIOUSLY….they just used her as a patsy to divert attention from Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber when she was still married to Orlando Bloom and in her 30s….when Bieber was under 20….you know COUGAR shit that is hardly COUGAR shit when the COUGARS is a trashy VS model…

The brand did turn their back on her because like many 18 year olds, she grew into her tits, and they weren’t a woke, tranny casting, fatty casting, appeasing the WOKE corporation…so they got rid of her….then brought her back recently…adn I think for the most part she’s pretty fucking hot…especially with her tits in a top that’s sheer enough for me to see some of the nipple shit stain….even when she’s looking like a demon who crawled out of a grave to eat your fucking soul ideally through her vagina…because that’d be a fun way for your soul to be eaten.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin’s Fashion Erotica of the Day

This is some BEHIND THE SCENES photoshoot from some Greek magazine that is not about pedos or Anal sex, which is what I thought the foundation of Greek culture was based on, but I don’t really read the history books, that shit’s just rumors…ARISTOTLE AND PLATO SUCKING DICK BRO…

Barbara Palvin is pretty hot, which brings up a very important question, what is her origin story. I find it very suspicious that some no name 18 year old from Hungary all of a sudden became a Victoria’s Secret lingerie model freshly after turning 18, used by the brand as a patsy to not expose Miranda Kerr after she fucked Bieber while married to that Orlando Bloom cuck.

With this Epstein shit, that’s been basically censored by all media outlets, WONDER WHY?! and the funny thing in all of it is that I don’t even think Epstein was the worst of the worst….there’s likely far darker storylines but that’s just my gut instinct….along with Epstein not actually being dead, or not actually killing himself…but rather on the beach somewhere chilling on his pile of money he’s had hidden….

But yeah, what I’ve learned is that these Model Agencies that find these international girls at 18 years old…are pretty fucking evil..and creepy…but at the same time, can’t be all that bad, since they gave us this babe…right.

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Hot of the Day

I don’t know what this outfit that Barbara Palvin is wearing is…I just know that everyone should be forced to wear this same outfit, even the fatties, why not mandate it and make companies fire them for not wearing it, even the fatties, because the world would be a better place if all girls walked around in weird catsuit hosiery…do it for a better world motherfuckers…a brighter tomorrow…and those girls who are shy, or resist wearing these outfits, just throw them in a camp or something until they get fed up and comply…maybe don’t let them into public places unless they are in the outfit…or take away their banking privileges or right to own property….DO IT FOR EACH OTHER….do it for our collective masturbation purposes…because I don’t think any outfit other than this outfit is even considered an outfit now that she’s basically won the world record for best outfit according to me.

I think Palvin’s a babe…and this outfit is helping DRIVE THAT POINT home.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin See Through of the Day

Barbara Palvin who was exploited by the Victoria’s Secret company when she was just 18 years old by positioning her as someone who fucked Bieber to protect their old timey – now billionaire wife – Miranda Kerr….it was a “The media knows Bieber fucked a VS Model, throw the 18 year old Hungarian who can’t speak English into the mix, it’ll elevate her profile and divert from the fact that Orlando Bloom’s wife and baby momma is a cheating trashy Australian whore”….

Palvin was also considered “Plus Sized” and they replaced her with Stella Maxwell the Lesbian hipster with fake tits for a while, before realizing that Palvin is hardly Plus Sized enough to count as plus sized, even when she was at her fattest, which clearly she’s not right now…

I guess Victoria’s Secret, like all the rich coddled insulated companies, doesn’t really know what’s going on in America, maybe they stick to rich areas and don’t travel to the local walmart’s where they’ll see at least 5 women bigger than Gilbert Grape’s mom.

I don’t know if you watched that movie, but at the time, she was offensively morbidly obese, you never saw a bitch that fat in movies, and you sure didn’t see them in every day life…but fast forward 25 years, and there’s a Gilbert Grape sized mom on every block….because society is about eating and sitting and not health and wellness…just celebrate the fat to keep the fat, so that they die prematurely but for years before they do, they have huge monthly medical bills…it keep Big Pharma thriving like the Opiate crisis.

Anyway, not plus sized, never plus sized, but I guess bigger than the VS people wanted, Barbara Palvin continues to be hot as shit, not that shit is hot, at least not to me, I’m a firm pretender that women don’t shit and that their assholes are strictly there for eating….but yeah…hot as shit…


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Being Hot of the Day

Barbara Palvin, the patsy who was a diversion by the PR spinsters or whatever you call the crisis controllers that the evil corporations of the world hire to spin their scandals and weave them into digestible lies that divert people from hating the brand….

You may wonder why she was a patsy, but you probably don’t care, or know exactly why, since I mention it with every single post I do on her….

The media tried to downplay Miranda Kerr fucking Bieber while married to Orlando Bloom, like the perverted mom she is, and I’m not even sure Bieber was 18 at the time, which makes it even more perverse, but even if he was 18 at the time, Kerr was a married mom fucking a teen hearthrob…a little weird…

This happened when he performed the VS show and I guess the trashy Australian looking for a good time soaked her panties watching his choreographed song and dance…

Anyway, the media said Palvin was the VS model he fucked, cuz they were of the same age, she didn’t speak english and was just imported from Hungary…how could she deny it, she didn’t want to lose out on the opportunity…got it…

I knew the real story because a reader of the site was fucking a girl who was friends with Miranda Kerr’s manager who I guess was trying to squash the story at the time….I reported it, bust since no one takes me seriously, no one cared…and now, all these years later, it’s common knowledge that Kerr fucked Bieber…so you should listen to me…I am an idiot, but sometimes idiots hit the nail on the head while being idiots…it is discrimination to think a perverted internet troll has less accuracy than perverted fake reporters…

To make things worse, Palvin started to get a little thicker and the brand stopped using her, they replaced her with her friend Stella Maxwell and back burnered her until they needed to pretend they were inclusive and into thicker girls, even though the fat people protesting inclusivity want REAL fucking fat…we’re talking GUNT hanging to the mid thigh, like a mini skirt requirement at a family restaurant, only made of good old American fatness….you know the kind of body that doesn’t need to wear panties because it’s got a fucking privacy wall hanging over it like the discount rub and tug that has everyone in pods not private rooms….

Point being, she’s still around, she’s hotter than ever, and she’s got her titties out, not quite as much as we’d like, but still a wonderful attempt!

Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin Puffy Nips of the Day

I don’t know if those are the outlines of Barbara Palvin’s puffy nips in a wife beater, but I’ll go along with it, because Palvin, despite being misused by the evil Victoria’s Secret panty empire back when Miranda Kerr fucked Bieber and the brand decided to divert the attention from Miranda Kerr since she was their married to celebrity wholesome mom character, not some trashy australian dick rider for attention, clout or money….despite having eventually proven that she’s a dick rider for attention, clout and money….and pin the crime on Palvin…she was likely 18 at the time, new to America, working for a huge brand that girls everywhere dreamed of working for, when she probably barely spoke the language and still had jet lang from her Epstein flight from Hungary…

I do know that Palvin, who was also “too fat” for Victoria’s Secret before they were pandering to the fat women everywhere…you know being woke….and for at least a year or two they barely used her…and instead used Stella Maxwell, who mooched into the job via Palvin….but who cares about any of that…the fact I know any of this is embarrassing and probably not even accurate…

I am more into looking at the tits, and these tits look fit and better than ever…so Barbara Palvin, despite fucking one of the Zach and Cody twins…is good.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin




Barbara Palvin See Through Bra of the Day

Barbara Palvin bra

I have this theory about Barbara Palvin that involves the Hungarian being too hungry for Victoria’s Secret so they replaced her with her friend Stella Maxwell…and she basically disappeared until the brand got shit on by the woke and decided they needed to switch things up…so they started giving her a lot more attention.

Whether that’s true or not is up for debate, I wouldn’t bother wasting my time to figure out if that’s the real story or not, I’m just here for the see through titty pic….but I do know that for a while, there was no Barbara Palvin and then all of a sudden..she’s back…

That’s not to say she’s fat, but she was bigger than the other girls, since all these models are actually large people…it’s a model thing….and at the time Victoria’s Secret didn’t like that….those MISOGYNISTS…..bad people…”let’s make-up for being so ignorant by throwing in some trans, retards, and uglies…that’ll make the internet forgive us and forget about Rihanna’s brand that is destroying us…”

Anyway….she was also used as a diversion when she was 18 from Miranda Kerr, then married to Orlando Bloom, who we can assume is a queer because he fucks Katy Perry into pregnancy and she may have a uterus but she’s man enough for me to consider a man….the gossip magazines realized that someone fucked Bieber but couldn’t homewreck for the Bloom household….while making their “family friendly model” seem a bit like a creep since Bieber was barely 18 and Kerr was 30….can’t have that creepy child molesting scandal out there about the model fucking the musical talent…gotta get the Hungarian as the Patsy…we call her Lee Harvey Palvin….

NOW, I broke this story because a friend of Miranda Kerr’s manager told me…BUT I DIDN’T GET FAMOUS for it….because we can’t all be WHISTLE BLOWERS…but we can get SNAP CHAT TO BAN Us….


Posted in:Barbara Palvin