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Heidi Klum Nude of the Day

Heidi Klum Nude

As irritating as the media is when it comes to old ladies looking hot, you know they really overhype old ladies because they know that old ladies read their publications and need that hope to carry on, otherwise all women would kill themselves at 40, allowing men to trade in their current version for a younger edition…I mean clearly women would understand that…we’ve been conditioned to think about cars in the same way…4 year leases motherfucker…and when you see someone with a car that’s 15 year old…you instantly think “Ghetto fuck”….because as a society we like new things..

So J.Lo, Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston campaigns to trick people into overhyping them, despite being celebrities, with huge budgets, great doctors, nutritionists and chefs, hair and make-up people, etc….you know….not all that impressive to look better than other 50 year olds who have to slave at 2 jobs to barely make rent…and feed their kids…while rotting on the inside from eating fast food…is not the heroes we need….fuck those old vain vapid piles of shit..

But Heidi Klum, she’s different, posting this nude with her hot titty…she’s good.

Is it eugenics, was she bred this way….and she’s fun about it, not scared to lose her hosting jobs for showing tit, because that”s not a fear for any woman these days, which is great for us….because now they all get to pull out their titties!


Posted in:Heidi Klum